Experimental Study on the Effect of Magnetic Fields on Gastric EmptyingFunction and the Gastrointestinal Hormone Level in Blood and GastricMucosa
中文关键词: 大鼠  恒磁场  放射免疫法  胃肠激素  胃排空率
英文关键词: Rat  Permanent magnetic fields( PMF)  Radioimmunoassay  Gastrointestinal hormone  Gastric emptying rate( GER)
丁立新 第四军医大学唐都医院理疗科 
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      目的: 探讨腹部磁场作用, 对大鼠血液及胃粘膜组织中胃泌素( gastrin, GAS) 、胃动素( motilin, MTL) 和生长抑素( somatostain, SS) , 以及胃排空的效应。方法: 10 只Wistar 健康雄性大鼠, 腹部接受表面磁强度为1300- 1600GS, 钡铁氧体恒磁场作用 3 小时, 以放射免疫法, 分别测定大鼠血及胃粘膜组织中GAS、MLT 及SS 含量, 用99mTc 标记的碳粉糊剂灌胃法, 测试胃排空率。 结果: 恒磁场腹部作用后, 大鼠血GAS、MLT 及SS 水平较对照组, 均无显著变化( p 均> 0. 05) ; 胃粘膜组织中, GAS 含量无明显改 变( p> 0. 05) , MLT 水平明显升高( p< 0. 01) , SS 水平明显降低( p< 0. 01) ; 胃排空率无明显改变( p> 0. 05) 。结论: 腹部1300- 1600GS 恒磁场作用3 小时, 均不能显著调节大鼠血中MLT 和SS, 以及血和胃粘膜组织内GAS 水平; 可明显影响胃粘膜内MLT 及 SS 水平; 对大鼠胃排空率无明显效应。
      Objective: To investigate the effects of the permanent magnetic field exposure ( PMFE) of BaFe12O19 on gastric emptying function, gastrin( GAS) , motilin(MOT) and somatostain( SS) levels in rats. plasma and gastric mucosa. Methods: After the permanent magnetic field exposure to the abdomine of 10 healthy male rats for 3 hours with magnetic strength 1300- 1600Gs, GAS, MOT, and SS levels in plasma and gastric mucosa were assessed by radioimmunoassay, and gastric emptying rate( GER) was measured by gastrogavage with 99mTc. Results: After PMFE, compared with control group( n= 10) , statistically, there were no significant differences in the levels of GAS, MOT and SS of the rats. plasma, in the level of GAS of the rats. gastric mucosa and in the GER of the rats( P all > 0. 05) , but the level ofMOT of the rats. gastric mucosa increased markedly( P< 0. 01) , and that of SS decreased obviously ( P< 0. 01) . Conclusion: 3- hour PMFE with magnetic strength 13001600 GS to rats. abdomine had neither significant effects on the levels of MOT and SS in the plasma of rats nor on the level of GAS in the plasma and gastric mucosa of rats and their GER, but could greatly influence the levels of MOT and SS in the rats. gastric mucosa.
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