周鹏生△ 焦锋马春花.材料性质和专业对解决四卡片问题影响的眼动研究[J].,2011,11(2):361-364
Influence of data category and specialty on the Four-card Problem:an Eye-Movement Study
中文关键词: 材料性质  四卡片问题  条件句  眼动研究
英文关键词: Data category  Four-card problem  Conditional sentence  Study on eye movement
周鹏生△ 焦锋马春花 西北民族大学现代教育技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 705
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      目的:探讨实验材料性质和专业背景等因素对四卡片推理问题解决的影响。方法:使用ASL-504 眼动记录仪,以16 名大学 生为被试,采用2(材料性质)×2(专业)的二因素被试间设计。结果:材料性质主效应不显著,但材料性质在相对注视时间、相对注 视次数和瞳孔直径上呈现显著差异;专业因素主效应显著,专业因素在平均注视时间和平均眼跳距离上差异显著,二因素交互作 用不显著;" 如果子句" 和" 那么子句" 在所有眼动指标上不存在显著差异。结论:(1)抽象程度高的材料在理解四卡片问题时需 要更多的加工,包括条件句及其组成部分;(2)不同专业背景对理解条件句有不同的影响;(3)条件句各组成部分在理解时得到同 等重要的加工。
      Objective: To examine the influence of data category and specialty on four-card problem. Methods: Using ASL 504 Eye-tracking system, 16 undergraduates attended the experiment of a between-group design, which was 2 (data category: abstract or concrete) ×2 ( specialty: arts or science). Results: ① There was no significance on main effect of data category while considered the great standard, such as gaze time. ② There was of significance on main effect of specialty while considered the major standard. ③ There was no significant difference between two inclusive parts of conditional statement. Conclusion: ① The four-card problem of abstract data needed more cognitive process, including condition statement and its inclusive parts. ② Different specialty of subjects had different effect on comprehension of four-card problem. ③ There had been comparably processed between two inclusive parts of conditional statement.
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