pilots selection; psychology; ability tests; comparison.纳米金在分子影像学中的应用进展[J].,2011,11(10):1983-1986
Application of Gold Nanoparticles in Molecular Imaging
中文关键词: 分子影像学  纳米金  分子对比剂/ 探针
英文关键词: Molecular imaging  Gold nanoparticles  Molecular contrast agent/probe
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.30901730);教育部博士点基金(No.20090073110072); 上海市纳米技术专项基金(No.1052nm05800);上海交通大学医学院博士创新基金(No.BXJ201043)
pilots selection; psychology; ability tests; comparison 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院放射科 
摘要点击次数: 789
全文下载次数: 1365
      分子影像学的出现将传统的以解剖结构为成像基础的医学影像学带入到以图像阐释细胞/ 分子结构和功能以及病理改变 的新时代。伴随着“后基因组”时代的到来以及“个体化医疗”的兴起,分子影像学对医学领域带来了里程碑式的革命并日益发挥 重要作用。在分子影像领域,寻找最佳的分子影像探针/ 对比剂以及成像方法,以获取更多的细胞或者分子的功能及病理改变的 信息日益成为热门的研究领域。纳米金籍其自身的优点在分子影像学的发展中展示出日益广阔的前景。本文就分子影像学的相 关技术及纳米金在分子影像学中的应用进展作一简要综述。
      The emergence of molecular imaging will take the traditional medical imaging which is based on anatomy into a new era of imaging interpretation of cellular/molecular structures and functions and the pathological changes. With the advent of "post-genome" era and the rise of personalized medicine, molecular imaging has brought about a milestone revolution , and is playing an increasingly important role. In the field of molecular imaging, the search for the best molecular probe/contrast agent and imaging method for more information on the cellular/molecular functions and pathological changes has become a heated field of research. Due to its inherent advantages, gold nanoparticles have demonstrated an ever broader prospect in the development of molecular imaging. This paper attempts to summarize the relevant technologies in molecular imaging and the application of gold nanoparticles in the studies of molecular imaging.
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