杨何平张洪武邓宁.冠状- 睑下缘- 口内联合切口手术治疗眶- 上颌- 颧骨复合骨折[J].,2011,11(12):2338-2341
冠状- 睑下缘- 口内联合切口手术治疗眶- 上颌- 颧骨复合骨折
Application of Coronal-Subciliary-Intraoral Incision Approach in theTreatment of Orbital-Maxillary-Zygomatic Complex Fractures
中文关键词: 联合切口  眶-上颌-颧骨骨折  坚强内固定
英文关键词: Coronal-subciliary-intraoral incision  Orbital-maxillary-zygomatic (OMZ) complex fracture  Rigid internal fixation
杨何平张洪武邓宁 湖南省湘潭市中心医院口腔颌面外科 
摘要点击次数: 784
全文下载次数: 1646
      目的:探讨经冠状- 睑下缘- 口内联合切口行眶-上颌-颧骨复合骨折坚强内固定术的临床应用价值。方法:回顾性分析69 例患者经冠状- 睑下缘- 口内联合切口行眶-上颌-颧骨复合骨折解剖复位,钛板坚强内固定。结果:69 例均一期愈合,68 例治疗 效果优良,1 例治疗效果欠佳;2 例轻度睑外翻,两周后恢复正常,无额纹变浅、面神经损伤等其他并发症。结论:冠状- 睑下缘- 口 内联合切口具有切口隐蔽、面部疤痕不明显、显露充分、并发症少等优点,是治疗眶-上颌-颧骨复合骨折的良好手术进路。
      Objective: To discuss the application of coronal-subciliary-intraoral incision approach in the treatment of orbital-maxillary-zygomatic complex fractures. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 69 patients who underwent repositioning of orbital-maxillary-zygomatic(OMZ) complex fractures with approach of coronal- subciliary-intraoral incision. Fractures were reducted and fixed with titanium-plates. Results: All cases had been restored with primary healing. The results of 68 cases were excellent. Two cases were found having slight ectropion, but the symptom was disappeared after two weeks. No other complications had been found. Conclusion: The coronal-subciliary-intraoral incision has the merits of hidden incision,indistinct scar,enough exposure and low complication. It is a good surgical approachthe for the treatment of orbital-maxillary-zygomatic(OMZ) complex fractures.
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