项捷秦鸿雁韩骅.PAQR 膜蛋白家族研究进展[J].,2012,12(1):166-170 |
PAQR 膜蛋白家族研究进展 |
Advanced Studies on PAQR Membrane Protein Family |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 孕激素和脂联素分子受体家族 脂联素受体 孕激素膜受体 7 次跨膜蛋白 |
英文关键词: Progestin and AdipoQ receptors family (PAQRs) Adiponectin receptors (AdipoRs) Progesterone membrane receptors
(mPRs) Seven trans-membrane spanning (7TM) sequence |
基金项目:国家自然科学基因重点项目(30830067)和国家"973" 计划课题(2009CB521706)资助 |
摘要点击次数: 4197 |
全文下载次数: 6007 |
中文摘要: |
孕激素和脂联素分子受体家族(PAQRs)是一类不同于G 蛋白耦联受体家族的7 次跨膜蛋白家族,目前发现该家族在人类
具有11 个成员。这类蛋白的结构类似于细菌的溶血素蛋白III,跨膜区域完全由一个高度保守的PFAM-UPF0073 结构域构成。对
该家族成员的生理功能研究发现,PAQR1,PAQR2 具有维持代谢稳态和参与炎症反应的作用。PAQR5,PAQR7,PAQR8 对于精子
过程的认识,另一方面将更加明确该类蛋白介导的信号转导通路,为相关疾病的治疗提供新的靶点和新的策略。 |
英文摘要: |
Progestin and AdipoQ receptor groups (PAQRs), which lacks significant sequence similarity with any GPCRs but
shares similar structure with hemolysin-type III protein, are characterized as a 7 trans-membrane topology wholly encompassed within the
PFAM-UPF0073 motif which includes a clear pattern of invariant amino acids during evolution. Now there are 11 members identified in
PAQRs, of which PAQR1 and PAQR2 play pivotal roles in the regulation of energy homeostasis and immune response. And PAQR5,
PAQR7 and PAQR8 mediate human sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction, maturation of egg cell, and cell apoptosis regulation respectively.
Therefore, the study on PAQR family should be helpful to update its knowledge involved in physiological and pathological
processes. And exploring the mechanism of RAQRs- mediated signaling pathway will be useful to provide potential therapeutic targets
and therapeutic strategies in some relevated diseases. |
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