安伟帅尹巧香钟震宇刘峻松易军刘杰陈光辉.高龄(80-89 岁)非ST 段抬高心肌梗死早期 介入治疗的疗效观察[J].,2012,12(8):1510-1512
高龄(80-89 岁)非ST 段抬高心肌梗死早期 介入治疗的疗效观察
Observe the Effect of Early Percutaneous Coronary Intervention onOctogenarian with Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
中文关键词: 80-89 岁老年  非ST 段抬高心肌梗死  经皮介入治疗
英文关键词: Octogenarian  Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction  Percutaneous coronary intervention
安伟帅尹巧香钟震宇刘峻松易军刘杰陈光辉 中国人民解放军总医院心血管内科 
摘要点击次数: 879
全文下载次数: 1116
      目的:研究调查高龄(80-89 岁)非ST 段抬高心肌梗死(non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, NSTEMI)患者行早期 经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(percutaneous coronary intervention , PCI)的有效性。方法:回顾分析2008 年8 月-2009 年10 月期间我院 住院的66 例80-89 岁NSTEMI 患者,冠状动脉造影检查后45 例行PCI 术,5 例因为左主干病变或者严重的三支病变行冠脉搭桥 (CABG) 术,其余16 例做保守治疗。发病到行介入治疗时间<72h。结果:45 例行PCI 术中42 例成功,再血管化的成功率为 63.6%,失败的3 例PCI 术病人中2 例因导丝或球囊未能通过病变,1 例为顽固性室速。共植入支架80 枚,术后梗死相关动脉血流 均达到TIMI2-3 级。术后死亡2例(心源性休克、颅内出血各1 例),死亡率为4.8%。住院期间出血并发症较高,有4(9.5%)例(穿 刺部位血肿2 例,消化道、颅内出血各1例)。住院期间无再发心肌梗死,偶发心绞痛2 例。结论:穿刺尽管高龄(80-89 岁)非ST 段抬高心肌梗死冠脉早期介入主要出血事件较多,但可改善住院期间的预后。
      Objective: To investigate the efficacy of early percutaneous coronary intervention on octogenarian with Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Methods:Between Aug. 2008 and Oct. 2009, 66 NSTEMI patients were admitted in octogenarian (between 80 and 89 years old). underwent coronary artery angiography. 45 patients performed early percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI) and 5 patients selected coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) because of left main coronary lesion or severe triple-vessel lesion, the left 16 patients received conservative treatment. All patients was to treat within 72h. Results: In the invasive treatment, 42 cases got success with the rate of recanalization in 63.6%; 2 cases failed for that the guidewire or balloon could not cross the stenotic lesion and another failed for refractory ventricular tachycardia. A total of 80 stents were implanted. The flow of IRA (infarction related artery, IRA) reached TIMI 2-3 postoperative in successful PCI cases. One case died of cardiogenic shock and another of intracranial hemorrhage, with the rate of 4.8%. There was a high bleeding complications rate of 9.5% (two cases with puncture point hematoma, one with gastro-intestinal bleeding and one with intracranial hemorrhage). No reinfarction occurred during hospital stay. Only two cases accidentally suffered from angina. Conclusion: Despite of bleeding complications, early percutaneous coronary intervention have an improved prognosis for octogenarian in hospital.
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