Clinical Study of Coexistent Chronic Lymphocytic Thyrioditis with Nodules
中文关键词: 慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎  自身免疫性疾病  甲状腺结节
英文关键词: Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis(CLT)  Autoimmune disease  Thyriod nodule
王智强孔令宇聂春磊管强张杰武△ 哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院头颈外科甲状腺病区 
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      目的:研究分析中国东北地区慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎(CLT)合并甲状腺结节的诊断和治疗方式。方法:回顾性分析2009 年9 月--2010 年12 月收治经病理证实的CLT 合并甲状腺结节的共151 病例,依据不同的病理类型分组,就临床特点、诊断和治 疗进行比较。结果:CLT 合并甲状腺乳头状癌组共58 例,女性51 例,男性7 例,平均年龄37.5±4 岁,平均病程18 个月,28 例为 腺体内单发结节,病灶平均直径为0.9±0.56 cm,36 例病灶直径小于1.0 cm,42 例见结节内伴钙化。CLT 合并良性结节组98 例, 女性患者93 例,男性患者5 例,平均年龄48.1±9 岁,平均病程72 个月,34 例为腺体内单发结节,病灶平均直径1.8±0.42 cm,35 例病灶直径小于1.0 cm,10 例见结节内伴钙化。两组在发病年龄、病程、结节个数及钙化方面的差异均有统计学意义。结论:CLT 合并甲状腺癌微小癌多见,淋巴结转移率低,彩超提示单发结节或者结节合并钙化的病例,应行手术治疗。
      Objective: To investigate the principles of diagnosis and treatment of the patients who has chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (CLT) coexistent with nodules in northeast area of China. Methods: We retrospectively analysed the 151 cases of CLT concomitant with nodules from September 2009 to December 2010. A comparison of the clinical data including clinicopathologic features, treatmentand prognosis was made between these groups by retrospective research. Results: The patients of CLT coexistent papillary thyroid carcinoma included 51 women and 7 men,with an average age of 37.5±4 years and symptoms duration of 18 months, and there were 28 cases of solitary nodule.The mean tumor size was 0.9±0.56 cm,and 36 cases foci diameter <1.0 cm, and 42 cases of calcification. The patients with benign nodules included 93 women and 5 men,with average age of 48.1±9 years symptoms duration of 72 months, and 34 cases of solitary nodule. The mean tumor size was 1.8±0.42 cm, and 35 cases foci diameter <1.0 cm, and 10 cases of calcification. Age of onset, symptoms duration,nodule numbers and calcification in nodules had significant difference between these groups. Conclusion: The chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis coexist with thyroid carcinoma was mostly papillary thyroid microcarcinoma having a low rate lymph node metastasis. Surgical intervention should be considered with such conditions, including solitrary solid nodule and calcification revealed by ultrasonography.
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