王珂雅1, 2 孙启强3 邱力军1.负离子化学制氧机对人体抗缺氧效果的实验研究[J].,2012,12(23):4467-4469
The Study of Anti Hypoxia Effects of Chemical Oxygen Generator with Anion
中文关键词: 化学制氧  负离子  血氧饱和度  心率
英文关键词: Chemical oxygen  Anion  SpO2  HR
王珂雅1, 2 孙启强3 邱力军1 第四军医大学生物医学工程学院 
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      目的:在模拟高原环境下,对比研究自主开发的负离子化学制氧机在模拟高原环境下对机体的抗缺氧效果。方法:将40 名受 试对象随机分为2 组,分别为T1、T2 组,每组20 人。使两组受试对象进入高原模拟舱,并在舱中模拟海拔5000m 的高原环境,利 用Philips MP20 多参数检测仪监测受试对象的血氧饱和度(SpO2) 以及心率(HR)。待其稳定后,T1 组使用传统化学制氧机供氧,T2 组使用负离子化学制氧机供氧,两组供氧装备的氧气流量相同。观察并记录供氧后T1、T2 组SpO2 和HR 的稳定值以及到达稳定 值所需的时间。结果:T1、T2 组供氧后的SpO2 和HR 较供氧之前均有显著差异(P<0.05);T2 组供氧后SpO2 和HR 到达稳定值所需 的时间显著小于T1 组(P<0.05)。结论:负离子化学制氧机具有明显的抗缺氧效果,能快速改善机体的缺氧状态,抗缺氧效率显著 高于传统的化学制氧机。
      Objective: We studied the anti hypoxia effects of a new chemical oxygen generator with anion in the simulated high altitude environment. Methods: 40 subjects were divided randomly into 2 groups which was named T1 and T2, each group contains 20 subjects. We asked both of the 2 groups entered the low pressure chamber and simulated the altitude of 5000m in it, then monitored the subjects' Pulse Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) and heart rate (HR). After that, we gave T1 group oxygen produced by traditional chemical oxygen generator, T2 group oxygen produced by chemical oxygen generator with anion; the airflow of each generator is the same. Then we observed the changes of SpO2 and HR and record the dates when they are steady and the time they cost to be steady. Results: After the supplement of oxygen, subjects' SpO2 and HR can be found significant different from before (P<0.05). Compared with the T2 group, the SpO2 and HR of subjects of T1 group cost significant little time to reach steady state (P<0.05). Conclusion: Chemical oxygen generator with anion can help to improve the physical condition of the body and is more efficient than the traditional chemical generator.
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