邵帅1 李培峰1,2 柳玉彬3 王哲1△.乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效评价体系[J].,2012,12(25):4964-4969
The Evaluation System of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Therapeutic Effectsof Breast Cancer*
中文关键词: 乳腺癌  新辅助化疗  评价体系  病理完全反应
英文关键词: Breast cancer  Neoadjuvant chemotherapy  Evaluation system  pCR
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30771120 和81072103)
邵帅1 李培峰1,2 柳玉彬3 王哲1△ 第四军医大学病理学与病理生理学教研室 
摘要点击次数: 789
全文下载次数: 5605
      目前新辅助化疗已广泛应用于乳腺癌的治疗,可降低肿瘤分期,提高手术切除率和增加保乳手术的机会。恰当的新辅助化 疗疗效评价不仅可以指导患者治疗方案和预测预后,还可对不同药物的疗效提供可靠的评估。目前新辅助化疗评估主要采用临 床检查如触诊、超声、钼靶X 线、计算机断层显像、磁共振成像及病理学检查确定肿瘤体积变化,可分为临床评估和病理学评估。 两者均有多种体系标准,未形成统一公认的标准。临床试验中采用较多的标准有WHO 和RECIST 等临床评价标准以及MP 标准 和JBCS 标准等病理学评价标准。本文就乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效评估体系进行总结。
      Nowadays neoadjuvant chemotherapy is widely used in the treatment of breast cancer in an attempt to down-stage the tumors in order to successfully improve the rate of surgical excision and multiply the chance of breast-conserving surgery. Appropriate evaluation methods for neoadjuvant chemotherapy can not only instruct treatment protocols and predict prognosis, but also provide reliable assessments for different drugs therapeutic effects. Now the evaluation of neoadjuvant chemotherapy mainly adopt clinical examination such as ultrasonograghy, mammograph, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and pathology examination to determine the change of tumor. Both of the two contain diverse evaluation systems, not achieving one criteria unified and generally acknowledged. Clinical evaluation criteria such as WHO and RECIST and pathological evaluation criteria such as MP and JBCS are widely introduced in clinical trials. In this article, the evaluation systems of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer were reviewed and concluded.
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