姜晏 代林林 崔海琳 付安安 冬雪 曲学华 刘路然.早期康复护理对肠内营养治疗的高血压颅内出血 患者预后的影响[J].,2014,14(4):776-778
早期康复护理对肠内营养治疗的高血压颅内出血 患者预后的影响
The Impact of Early Enteral Nutrition Therapy Rehabilitation Nursing on the Prognosis of Patients with HypertensiveIntracerebral Hemorrhage
中文关键词: 早期康复护理  肠内营养  高血压颅内出血  预后  影响
英文关键词: Early rehabilitation care  Enteral nutrition  Hypertensive intracranial hemorrhage  Prognosis  Impact
姜晏 代林林 崔海琳 付安安 冬雪 曲学华 刘路然 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院神经内科 
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      目的:研究早期康复护理对肠内营养治疗的高血压颅内出血患者预后的影响。方法:选取2010 年1 月~2012 年10 月间入 院诊治的高血压颅内出血并应用肠内营养支持治疗的患者120 例,随机分为实验组(60 例)和对照组(60 例)。对照组应用常规护 理办法,实验组在其基础上应用早期康复护理,随访1 年后观察两组患者预后的生活质量情况、GCS(格拉斯哥昏迷指数)评分以 及并发症的发生情况。结果:随访1 年后,实验组的生活质量显著高于对照组(P<0.05);护理干预前两组患者的GCS 评分无差异, 护理干预后实验组的GCS 评分显著高于对照组(P<0.05);实验组在肺部感染、下肢静脉血栓、肩手综合征等并发症的发生例数均 显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:针对肠内营养支持治疗的高血压颅内出血患者应用早期康复护理可有效改善患者的昏迷程度、 预防并发症,有助于提高患者的生活质量。
      Objective:To study the early rehabilitation nursing on enteral nutrition therapy in hypertensive patients with intracranial hemorrhage prognosis.Methods:January 2010 - October 2012 among hospitalized hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage and enteral nutrition support therapy 120 patients were randomly divided into experimental group (60 cases) and control group (60 cases). The control group used conventional care options, the experimental group was in its application on the basis of early rehabilitation care after 1 year prognosis observed in patients' quality of life situation, GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) score and the occurrence of complications.Results:After 1 year, the laboratory's quality of life was significantly higher (P <0.05); nursing intervention in patients with GCS scores first two groups did not differ nursing intervention GCS score of the experimental group was significantly higher (P <0.05 ); experimental group lung infection, deep vein thrombosis, shoulder-hand syndrome and other complications number of cases were significantly lower than the control group (P <0.05).Conclusion:Enteral nutrition therapy for hypertensive patients with intracranial hemorrhage early rehabilitation nursing can effectively improve the patient's unconscious level, prevention of complications, help to improve the patient's quality of life.
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