王晓霞 张泽信 杨湾湾 张二飞 邵甜 侯立朝.高氧在临床应用中的研究进展[J].,2014,14(13):2586-2589
The Research Progress of Clinical Application of High Oxygen
中文关键词: 高浓度氧  临床应用  脓毒症  缺血再灌注
英文关键词: High concentration of oxygen  Clinical application  Sepsis  Ischemia reperfusion
王晓霞 张泽信 杨湾湾 张二飞 邵甜 侯立朝 第四军医大学第一附属医院西京医院麻醉科
摘要点击次数: 814
全文下载次数: 1063
      氧气是人类赖以生存的物质,是人体进行新陈代谢的关键,是人体生命活动的第一需要。在人类没有发现氧气之前,其对人 类生存的重要性并不为人类所知。随着人类发现氧气并意识到其对人类生存的重要性之后,人类对氧气的研究越来越深入。起 初,吸入高浓度氧仅用来治疗低氧血症等呼吸相关疾病,而后,氧气发展成为临床常用的一种辅助治疗手段,可用于多个科室多 种疾病的辅助治疗。本研究小组通过动物实验发现高浓度氧吸入可明显降低脓毒症小鼠的病死率,并可以改善其组织病理,炎性 细胞因子等的表达变化,也可以改善脑缺血再灌注小鼠的脑梗死面积及行为学表现等。本文主要概括了高浓度氧吸入对于全身 各系统的影响作用并重点阐述了高浓度氧吸入对于脓毒症以及组织缺血再灌注的治疗作用。
      Oxygen is material for human beings and the key substance in the human body metabolism, is the first need for the survival of the human beings. Before humans have not found oxygen, the importance of oxygen for human beings have not be known. With the discovery of oxygen and the importance to human survival, more and more study on oxygen developed gradually and someone of them are getting deeper. Initially, the inhalation of high-concentrations oxygen only used to treat respiratory diseases such as hypoxemia, and then, the oxygen used almost all of the departments as an important adjunct treatment. Our research team found that high-concentrations oxygen inhalation can protects against ZY-induced sterile sepsis via regulating inflammatory cytokines and antioxidant system in mice and may improve brain cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in mice infarct size and neurobehavioral manifestation and so on. This article summarizes the influence of high-concentrations oxygen inhalation for the whole body system and focuses on the protective effect on sepsis and tissue ischemia reperfusion.
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