濮龙军1 王晶1 李鹏涛1 董振2 郭华荣1△.miRNAs 生物合成过程的调控*[J].,2014,14(20):3982-3987
miRNAs 生物合成过程的调控*
Regulation of miRNAs Biosynthesis Process*
中文关键词: miRNAs  生物合成  过程  调控  癌症
英文关键词: miRNAs  Biosynthesis  Process  Regulation  Cancer
濮龙军1 王晶1 李鹏涛1 董振2 郭华荣1△ 1 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院山东青岛2660032 西南大学家蚕基因组国家重点实验室重庆400716) 
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      摘要:miRNAs 是一类短的(20-23nt)非编码的单链RNA分子,在转录后水平上通过抑制靶基因的表达而影响生物体的生长、发育 以及癌症发生。miRNAs的成熟需要一系列大型蛋白复合体参与的协同加工,目前对miRNAs 生物合成过程调控的研究还处于初 始阶段。本文主要综述了影响miRNAs的生物合成过程及活性的因素以及相关调控机制。癌症的发生通常伴随着异常的miRNAs 表达谱,miRNAs生物合成调控机制的深入研究必将为癌症的基因治疗技术以及新型疗法的开发提供重要的理论基础和指导意 义。
      ABSTRACT:MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are short(20-23-nucleotide), non-coding and single-stranded RNA molecules which regulate target gene expression at the post-transcriptional level to affect organisms' growth, development and cancer occurence. The maturity of miRNAs need a series of collaborative process mediated by large protein complexes and researches of miRNAs biosynthesis and activity controlare still in initial stage at present. This review mainly discusses the influencing factors of miRNAs biosynthesis and activity and relevant regulation mechanism. Cancer occurrence is usually accompanied by abnormal miRNAs expression profile, and further study for regulation mechanism of miRNAs biosynthesis will surely provide important theoretical basis and guidance for gene therapy of cancer and development of new technology.
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