王旭垒 熊剑锐 赵启明 蒋维 李萍.自噬在疾病中的双重作用[J].,2014,14(25):4997-5000
The Dual Role of Autophagy in Disease
中文关键词: 自噬  疾病  凋亡  坏死  肝脏  心脏
英文关键词: Autophagy  Disease  Apoptosis  Necrosis  Liver  Heart
王旭垒 熊剑锐 赵启明 蒋维 李萍 西南交通大学生命科学与工程学院
摘要点击次数: 857
全文下载次数: 1468
      自噬是细胞的一种正常的生理活动,参与细胞内损伤的蛋白质和亚细胞器经溶酶体途径降解的过程。自噬可以抵御外界的 不良环境,在多种疾病中起着重要作用。近年来,大量研究表明自噬在细胞新陈代谢和生理功能上有双重作用,在疾病发生的不 同时期,自噬起到不同的作用。通常情况自噬可以及时的清除细胞内损伤的蛋白质,作为一种细胞的保护机制,但是自噬的持续 活化,导致细胞内大量蛋白质的降解,使细胞无法维持其基本结构,最终将导致细胞坏死或凋亡。自噬、凋亡和坏死的转化,很有 可能受到p53、Bcl-2、Beclin-1、ATG5、TG2 及p62 等信号分子调控。肝脏和心脏是维持人体生命活动的重要器官,自噬在脂肪肝、 肝硬化、心肌梗塞及心脏衰竭等疾病中扮演着重要的角色。本文总结了自噬、凋亡及坏死的相互关系,自噬在疾病中的双重作用, 并重点介绍自噬在肝脏和心脏疾病中的作用。
      Autophagy is a normal physiological process, which is known as transported intracellular damaged protein to the lysosomal degradation. Autophagy can protect against the adverse environment. It plays an important role in a variety diseases. In recent years, a large number of studies have shown that autophagy has a dual role in cell metabolism and physiological functions. Under normal circumstances, autophagy acts as a protective mechanism, but constant autophagy activation cause a large number of protein degradation and cells can not maintain their basic structure, which will eventually lead to cell necrosis or apoptosis. The conversion of autophgy, apoptosis and necrosis is regulated by p53, Bcl-2, Beclin-1, ATG5, TG2 and p62 signaling molecules. Liver and heart are the vital organs, which maintain life activities. Autophagy plays an important role in liver and heart diseases such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, myocardial infarction and heart failure. This paper summarizes the relationship among autophagy, apoptosis and necrosis, and introduces the fuction of autophagy in liver and heart diseases.
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