郑林丰 张贵祥.对编写上海市医学影像科(放射科)住院医师规范化培训教材的思考与探讨[J].,2014,14(27):5345-5348
Suggestion and Construction of Textbook for Radiology Residentsin Shanghai Residents Training Program
中文关键词: 放射科  住院医师  培养  教材
英文关键词: Radiology  Resident  Training program  Textbook
基金项目:国家留学基金项目(201303810388);上海交通大学附属第一人民医院"优秀青年人才" 基金项目
郑林丰 张贵祥 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院放射科 
摘要点击次数: 862
全文下载次数: 1365
      摘要:始于2010年的上海市住院医师规范化培训模式是我国新的医师培养模式,经历3 年的实践及完善,从制度及培训基地建 设与管理、培训模式及教学经验等方面均取得了可喜的成绩。鉴于放射科住院医师在一定程度上的特殊性,本文以我院放射科基 地为例,从基地医师的教育及知识背景、后续的继续教育及职业规划等方面对编写上海市医学影像科(放射科)住院医师规范化 培训教材的必要性及可行性进行了分析与探讨,然后对编写此教材的定位、知识体系、参编人员构成、教材编写中的注意事项等 提出了具体的看法并进行了初步探讨,供各基地教学实施过程中借鉴,共同推动上海市医学影像科(放射科)住院医师规范化工 作,提高医学影像学(放射科)规范化培训医师的整体水平。
      Shanghai Residents Training Program, as a new training programfor residents and initiated at 2010 year, has achieved fruitful results from the construction and management of system and training base, training modle and teaching experience after that carried out and has improved for 3 years. Given the particularity of Radiology resident to some extent, in this paper, the author gave some suggestions and constructions of textbook for Radiology residents in Shanghai Residents Training Program, which is based on the example of Shanghai First People's Hospital and discussed the necessity and feasibility of the textbook from background of the residents' education and knowledge, viewpoint of continuing study and occupational planning, etc. Then the author further discussed and gave the detail points of the orientation, the knowledge system and the contributors of this textbook, and also the don'ts during writing the book. The aims of this textbook was to provide reference for the training bases, push forward the Shanghai Residents Training Program and improve the ability of Radiology resident-in training in Shanghai.
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