刘焱喆 王勤运 王海涛 沈大伟 姜维良.血栓闭塞性脉管炎治疗进展[J].,2014,14(27):5397-5400
The Treatment Progress of Buerger's Disease
中文关键词: 血栓闭塞性脉管炎  治疗方法  动脉重建
英文关键词: Buerger’S disease  Treatment methods  Arterial reconstruction
刘焱喆 王勤运 王海涛 沈大伟 姜维良 哈尔滨医科大学第二附属医院 
摘要点击次数: 762
全文下载次数: 1577
      血栓闭塞性脉管炎(TAO)是一种以四肢中小动静脉节段性、非化脓性炎症和动脉腔内血栓形成为特征的慢性闭塞性疾病。 好发于45 岁左右男性吸烟患者。其病因尚未完全清楚,大量研究表明吸烟与TAO有着极其密切的关系。随着疾病的进展,会出 现脚趾和足部其他部位的静息痛和溃疡,TAO 也伴随着肢体截肢的高度风险。不少学者仍认为它是一种难治性疾病。动脉重建 手、术旁路手术、腔内治疗,难度大,失败率高,其原因是因为TAO主要累及远端动静脉。依靠药物保守治疗来改善血液循环效果 不是十分明显。,目前在治疗方法上也是不断的进步,治疗效果也是日见提高。随着医学技术的发展特别是介入手术、干细胞移植 术、牵拉骨成形技术的应用和新的有效药品的研发,给脉管炎患者带来了新的希望。
      Buerger's disease, also known as thromboang iitisobliterans (TAO), is a thrombotic, occlusive, segmental vasculitis of small and medium-sized arteries and veins, which may involve both upper and lower exremities. The onset usually occursin people of around the age of 45, and is more frequent in male smokers. The etiology forTAO is unknown?. A large number of studies show that smoking and TAO has an extremely close relationship .With progress of the disease, There will be rest pain and ulce of foot and other parts of toes. Many scholars still think it is a kind of refractory disease. Revascularisation by means of a by-pass surgery or endovascular procedure is usually not possible as a consequence of the predominantly diffuse and distallocation of the lesions in the veins and arteries involved.Relying on drug therapy to improve blood circulation effect is not obvious. At present, the methods in the treatment is also constantly progress, the treatment effect is more improved. With the development of medical technology, especially the interventional operation, stem cell transplantation, Ilizarov technology application and the new effective drugs, the patients with TAO have got a new hope.
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