陈召 卢强 李小飞 万毅 黄立军 韩勇 王小平.PBL与LBL教学法在八年制学生本科教学阶段胸外科的教学效果对比研究[J].,2014,14(29):5773-5777
Comparative Study on the PBL and LBL Teaching Methods in ThoracicSurgery Teaching of Eight-year SystemStudents' Main Course Period
中文关键词: 以问题为中心教学法  以授课为基础教学法  八年制  胸外科教学
英文关键词: Problem-based learning  Lecture-based learning  Eight years system  Teaching of thoracic surgery
陈召 卢强 李小飞 万毅 黄立军 韩勇 王小平 第四军医大学学员旅第四军医大学唐都医院胸腔外科第四军医大学预防医学院卫生统计学教研室 
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      目的:对比研究以问题为中心教学法(PBL)与基于课堂的学习法(LBL)在八年制学生本科教学阶段胸外科教学中的效果。 方法:选取八年制临床专业学生40 名,随机分为PBL 教学组及LBL教学组各20 人。在学习结束时,采用闭卷考试的形式进行成 绩考核;同时采用不记名问卷调查,进行两种教学效果和教学模式的评价。结果:共纳入40例学生,分析显示PBL 教学法与LBL 教学法对八年制学生胸外科相关知识的掌握有影响。PBL 教学法在理论成绩与实践考核等方面优于传统教学法。结论:采用PBL 教学法有助于提高学生的学习兴趣、自主解决问题能力、创新能力、求知欲、团队协作能力、人文关怀意识、费用意识以及病人教 育能力,最终可以有效提高学习效果。
      Objective:To investigate the teaching effects of problem-based learning (PBL) and lecture-based learning (LBL) on thoracic surgery teaching of eight-year system students' main course period.Methods:40 eight-year system clinical students were randomly divided into two groups: the LBL group and the LBL group. At the end of the study, an exam was tested as the result of the thoracic surgery clinical teaching. The anonymous questionnaires had been used to evaluate the effectiveness of the two teaching mode.Results:There was statistical difference between the two teaching modes, and PBL method was superior to LBL method in the theoretical results and practical assessment.Conclusion:The use of PBL actively can improve the students' interest in learning, independent ability of solving problems , ability of the team, innovative competence, consciousness of humanistic care, consciousness of cost and ability of patient education, and it can ultimately improve learning outcomes.
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