王锦锋 张海峰 初茂林 曲海明 张春影△.缺血性阴茎异常勃起的诊断及阶梯治疗[J].,2015,15(3):584-585
Diagnosis and Ladder Treatment of Low-flow Priapism
中文关键词: 缺血性  阴茎异常勃起  诊断  阶梯治疗
英文关键词: Low-flow  Priapism  Diagnosis  Ladder treatment  
王锦锋 张海峰 初茂林 曲海明 张春影△ 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院泌尿外科二病房 
摘要点击次数: 859
全文下载次数: 1521
      阴茎异常勃起是泌尿男科一种罕见的疾病,需要急诊干预治疗。临床常分为缺血性,非缺血性二种类型,其中缺血性阴茎异 常勃起占绝大多数。缺血性阴茎异常勃起会导致海绵体组织纤维化和勃起功能障碍,随着缺血时间的延长,海绵体会永久损伤。 不同的阴茎持续勃起时间,不同的治疗方式影响患者的预后,会造成不同程度的勃起功能障碍。遂此病需尽早明确所属类型。通 过询问患者病史,细致查体,结合实验室检查中阴茎海绵体血气分析及彩色多普勒检查,明确患者状态。并采取冷敷、镇静,海绵体 抽吸灌注或海绵体注射拟交感类药物,外科分流手术等阶梯治疗的方式,最大限度保护患者勃起功能。本文对缺血性阴茎异常勃 起的诊断及阶梯治疗进行综述。
      Priapism is a rare disease in urinary,which needs emergency treatment . There are two types of priapisms. One is low-flow priapism and the other is high-flow priapism. The majority of the priapism patients are low-flow priapism. It'll affect prognosis and cause different erectile dysfunctions because of different priapism time and treatments. So it is necessary to diagnose the types of priapism patients, evaluate the patients's tate and take ladder treatment in time. By asking the patient's medical history, detailed examination, laboratory tests corpora cavernosa blood gas analysis and color Doppler examination, a clear state of patients. Cold compress, sedation method and intracavernous lavage are the first treatments for the the low-flow priapism. If they are not the effectual cure, perform the operation of glandular cavernosum shunting in time. Thus, the priapism function can be protected to the utmost. The article will introduce the Overview about the diagnosis and the treatment of ischemic priapism.
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