朱中康 栾佐 何志旭 杨印祥 王凤昌.小鼠脐血移植模型研究进展[J].,2015,15(13):2569-2573
Research Progress of Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation Model in Mice
中文关键词: 脐血  造血干细胞移植  小鼠
英文关键词: Umbilical cord blood  Hematopoietic stemcell transplantation  Mouse
基金项目:天津市科技创新专项资金项目(08 FDZDSH03000)
朱中康 栾佐 何志旭 杨印祥 王凤昌 海军总医院儿科贵阳医学院儿科教研室贵 
摘要点击次数: 732
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      脐血中含有丰富的原始造血干细胞,由于免疫细胞发育不成熟, 抗原表达和功能活性低下,移植物抗宿主疾病发生率低。脐 血来源丰富、不易受病毒及残留肿瘤细胞的污染,越来越多地作为造血干细胞的优质来源在临床上广泛应用。通过建立小鼠脐血 移植模型,对临床多种疾病尤其是对恶性血液病的造血干细胞移植研究提供有效途径,可以对脐血的生物学功能、植入过程、移 植疗效做进一步研究,不断优化的小鼠移植模型对我们解读人类疾病的发病机理、疾病进程起到推动作用,本文将从小鼠种属的 选择、移植模型的构建及脐血移植模型新进展等方面对进行综述。
      Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is rich in primitive hematopoietic stemcells. Because of the immature immune function and low immunogenicity, umbilical cord blood transplantation is associated with low incidence of GVHD. Umbilical cord blood is now widely used in clinic as a good source of hematopoietic stem cells due to its rich source and low contamination of virus or residual tumor cells. The establishment of mice cord blood transplantation model will be very helpful for the research about treatment a variety of diseases especially for hematologic malignancies with hematopoietic stem cells transplantation. Many studies, such as the function, implantation and efficacy of cord blood transplantation could be studied with cord blood transplantation model, which may be promoted by more optimized model. This article will review the progress of cord blood transplantation model from the selection of mice, the methods of model establishment, etc.
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