胡晓翠 刘丹 钱文彪 杜雅菊.原发性胆汁性肝硬化的药物治疗进展[J].,2015,15(14):2770-2773
Progress of the Drug Treatment for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
中文关键词: 原发性胆汁性肝硬化  熊去氧胆酸  布地奈德  免疫抑制剂  贝特类
英文关键词: Primary biliary cirrhosis  Ursodesoxycholic acid  Budesonide  Immunosuppressants  Bert
胡晓翠 刘丹 钱文彪 杜雅菊 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院消化内科 
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      原发性胆汁性肝硬化(Primary Biliary Cirrhosis,PBC)是一种以胆汁淤积及慢性非化脓性破坏性胆管炎为特点的自身免疫介 导的慢性肝脏病。熊去氧胆酸(UDCA)作为PBC患者的首选治疗药物可使患者的生化指标、存活指标以及组织学等都得以改善。 尽管如此,PBC 的治疗仍是临床医师的一大难题,大约40%的PBC患者对UDCA 的治疗仅获得了不完全应答,而肝移植则为晚 期PBC患者治疗之首选。本文简要介绍近些年治疗PBC 药物的新进展,包括熊去氧胆酸、布地奈德、免疫抑制剂、贝特类、6alpha- 乙 基鹅去氧胆酸、利妥昔单抗以及抗逆转录病毒药物等,期望为PBC的治疗提供帮助。
      Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC), a kind of autoimmune liver disease, is characterized by its serum antibody and chronic, non-suppurative devastating cholangitis. Ursodesoxycholic acid (UDCA), as the first-line therapy drug for the treatment of PBC, can make the biochemical indicators and survival time of patients with PBC get significantly improved. Though the treatment of PBC is still a tough problem on clinic and there are still 40% of patients with PBC responsing poorly to Ursodesoxycholic acid treatment, liver transplantation is the only effective treatment for patients with final-stage PBC. In this paper, we simply summarize the latest progress of drug treatment of PBC, including Ursodesoxycholic acid, budesonide, immunosuppressants, Bert, 6alpha-ethyl chenodeoxycholic acid, rituxan and antiretroviral drugs and so on, hoping that this article will be useful for the treatment of PBC.
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