邹燕 黄忠 侯聪 李智 王兰 张燕.老年上消化道出血发病因素及与HP感染相关性分析[J].,2015,15(19):3724-3427
Pathological Factors in Elderly Upper GastrointestinalHemorrhage and Its Correlation with HP Infections
中文关键词: 老年上消化道出血  发病因素  HP感染  相关性
英文关键词: Elderly upper gastrointestinal bleeding  Risk factors  HP infection  Correlation
邹燕 黄忠 侯聪 李智 王兰 张燕 四川省自贡市第一人民医院四川大学华西医院 
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      目的:研究老年上消化道出血发病因素及与HP 感染的相关性。方法:选取我院以消化性溃疡为诊断而收入院患者300 例, 进行钡餐及胃镜检查,其中合并出血者125 例,未合并出血者175 例,对照组选用相同时期出现消化道疾病且经胃镜检查排除消 化性溃疡者310 例。检测所有患者HP 感染的情况和服用非甾体类抗炎(NSAIDs)药物的情况,根据是否服药及服用时间的长短 分为ABCD 组。测定消化性溃疡组与对照组中暴露人数与非暴露人数的比值比即OR值,并进行统计学分析。结果:①发生消化 性溃疡的OR值,HP合并NSAIDs 组为20.31,明显高于HP 组和NSAIDs 组,且大于两者之和,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);② 消化性溃疡合并出血与服用NSAIDs 药物时间的关系显示,B组的OR 值为3.79,C组的OR值为7.88,D 组的OR 值为10.41,B 组<C 组<D 组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);③发生消化性溃疡合并出血的OR 值,HP合并NSAIDs 组为13.31,明显高于HP 组的1.12和NSAIDs组的1.54,且大于两者之和,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:老年上消化道出血的发病主要与消化性溃 疡有关,HP 感染与服用NSAIDs 药物在发病过程中具有协同作用。
      Objective:To study the risk factors in elderly upper gastrointestinal bleeding and the correlation with HP infection.Methods:300 cases of peptic ulcer patients diagnosed by barium meal, and gastroscopy in our hospital were selected as objects, which included 125 cases that combined with hemorrhage, and 175 cases without hemorrhage. And 310 cases exclusive of peptic ulcer in the same period by endoscopy were considered as control group. HP infection and use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were detected and carried on statistics analysis.Results:① The OR value of incidence of peptic ulcer in HP combined with NSAIDs group was 20.31, obviously higher than that of HP group 6.97 and NSAIDs group 6.73, and more than the sum of the two, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05);② for the relationship between peptic ulcer combined with hemorrhage and NSAIDs drug dose and time, the results showed the OR value in B group was 3.79, and 7.88 in C group, 10.41 in D group, group B<group C<group D, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05); ③ for the occurrence of peptic ulcer combined with hemorrhage, the OR value in HP combined with NSAIDs group was 13.31, significantly higher than that of group HP 1.12 and group NSAIDs 1.54, and more than the sum of the two, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:The occurrence of elderly upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage is mainly associated with peptic ulcer, and the infection of HP and taking NSAIDs drugs, have synergistic effect in the course of disease.
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