晁亚萍 乔世萌 娄英 崔英 梅元花.高原牧区少数民族女性宫颈疾病发生的危险因素分析[J].,2015,15(23):4528-4531
Analysis of Risk Factors for Female Cervical Disease in Minorityof Highland Pastoral
中文关键词: 少数民族  高原牧区  宫颈疾病  危险因素
英文关键词: Minority  Highland pastoral  Cervical disease  Risk factors
晁亚萍 乔世萌 娄英 崔英 梅元花 青海省红十字医院妇科门诊青海省同德县人民医院妇科 
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      目的:探讨高原牧区少数民族女性宫颈疾病发生的危险因素。方法:2013 年1 月到2013年12月,选取高原牧区的少数民族 女性1600 例为研究对象,选择巴士涂片法、电子阴道镜检查与活检进行宫颈疾病的筛查,并调查了入选者基本信息、生活行为与 健康知识。结果:宫颈疾病的检出率为2.25%,其中CINⅠ 21 例,CIN Ⅱ 9 例,CIN Ⅲ及宫颈原位癌6 例,宫颈癌的检出率为 0.38%。单因素非条件Logistic 回归分析结果显示,孕次、产次、是否有宫颈炎史、对疾病的认知程度、是否有经济来源、多个性伴 侣、初次性交年龄与宫颈癌的发生有明显相关性(P<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,是否有宫颈炎史、对疾病认知程度、产次、多个性 伴侣、是否有经济来源、初次性交年龄是导致宫颈病变发生的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:高原牧区少数民族女性宫颈疾病的发 病率相对较高,多与宫颈炎史、对疾病认知程度、产次、多个性伴侣、是否有经济来源、初次性交年龄有关,要加大宣传力度,科学 普及防癌知识,积极进行预防与健康教育管理。
      Objective:To investigate the risk factors for female cervical disease in minority highland pastoral.Methods:600 females in minority highland pastoral were selected from January 2013 to December 2013 at the region as the research objects. They were examined by bus smear, colposcopy examination and biopsy of cervical for disease screening and were given the investigation of those basic information, lifestyle behaviors and health knowledge.Results:The detection of cervical disease was 2.25%, which CIN Ⅰ were 21 cases, CINⅡ were 9 cases, CINⅢ and cervical carcinoma in situ were 6 cases, and the detection rate of cervical cancer was 0.38%. Univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the incidence of cervical cancer had significant correlation with gravidity, parity, cervicitis history, awareness of the disease, income, multiple sexual partners, and age at first intercourse (P<0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that whether cervicitis history, awareness of the disease, parity, multiple sexual partners, income, age at first intercourse were the independent risk factors of the cervical disease (P<0.05).Conclusion:The incidence of female cervical disease in minority highland pastoral is relatively high, and cervicitis history, awareness of the disease, parity, multiple sexual partners, the source of income, and age at first intercourse are the independent risk factors, suggesting that we should have intensify propaganda, popularization of science knowledge in cancer prevention, and actively give the management of prevention and health education.
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