苑海刚 曹文萍 赵金鹏 栗明 常亚娟.Integrin beta1在结肠癌及其淋巴转移灶中的表达及临床意义[J].,2015,15(24):4757-4760
Integrin beta1在结肠癌及其淋巴转移灶中的表达及临床意义
Expression and Clinical Significance of Integrin beta1 in Carcinoma of Colon andIts Lymphmetastasis
中文关键词: 结肠癌  Integrin beta1  淋巴转移
英文关键词: Carcinoma of colon  Integrin beta1  Lymphmetastases
苑海刚 曹文萍 赵金鹏 栗明 常亚娟 黑龙江省中医药大学附属第一医院 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
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      目的:检测integrin-beta1在结肠癌组织中的表达水平差异,研究其与结肠癌临床病理特征及其预后的关系。方法:采用免疫组化 SP法检测integrin 茁1在82例结肠癌原发灶及其淋巴结转移灶中的表达情况。结果:邻近正常结肠粘膜组织integrin beta1的阳性表 达率为93.33 %,原发灶癌细胞integrin beta1的表达率为73.17 %,两者之间integrin beta1的阳性表达率比较P<0.01;结肠癌转移性淋 巴结组织integrin beta1的阳性表达率为87.67 %,结肠癌非转移性淋巴结组织integrin beta1的阳性表达率为11.29 %,两者之间integrin 茁1的阳性表达率比较P<0.01。在所有与结肠癌相关的临床病理因素中,是否穿透浆膜层、有无淋巴结转移、分化程度不同、Dukes 分期不同,integrin beta1的阳性表达率比较P 值均小于0.05。结论:Integrin beta1与结肠癌分化程度、侵袭深度、淋巴结转移状况及 Dukes 分期等病理因素密切相关,其表达水平的检测对评估结肠癌淋巴结转移程度和分析结肠癌分期具有一定临床实用价值。
      Objective:To study the expression of integrin beta1 in carcinoma of colon and its lymphmetastasis, and investigate the relationship between integrin beta1 expression and pathological biological behavior in carcinoma of colon.Methods:Immunohistochemistry method of S-P was used to examine integrin beta1 in carcinoma of colon of 82 cases and its lymphmetastasis. The expression of inte- grin beta1 was detected by HPINS-2000 image analysis software.Results:Positive integrin beta1 expression was 93.33 % in normal colonic tissues, 73.17 % in colonic cancer tissues and 87.67 % in its lymphmetastasis (P<0.05). The cancerous cells in metastatic lymph nodes showed immunoreactivity, but normal cells did not. The degree of immunoreactivity in normal colonic tissues was obviously stronger than that in colonic cancer tissues and its lymphmetastasis. The positive integrin beta1 expression were significantly different in several related factors, included penetrating serous layer, lymph nodes metastasis, differentiation degree, Dukes phases(P<0.05).Conclusion:The expression of integrin beta1 was closely related to clinical pathological factors in carcinoma of colon, including the degree of differentiation and invasion of cancer, metastasis of lymph nodes and liver, Dukes phases. It may be useful to evaluate the degree of lymphmetastases in carcinoma of colon and analyze the stage by detecting expression of integrin beta1 in carcinoma of colon and its lymph nodes.
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