包平倩 雷泽华 张英毅 彭忠 高峰畏 王志旭 李园.小儿复发性肠套叠的微创治疗研究[J].,2015,15(28):5469-5471
The Study of Minimally Invasive Treatment in Pediatric RecurrentIntussusceptions
中文关键词: 肠套叠  复发  腹腔镜  儿童  微创
英文关键词: Intussusceptions  Recurrent  Laparoscopy  Pediatric  Minimally Invasive
包平倩 雷泽华 张英毅 彭忠 高峰畏 王志旭 李园 四川大学华西医院小儿外科四川省乐山市人民医院外科 
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      目的:探讨小儿复发性肠套叠(套叠3 次及以上)的微创治疗。方法:回顾性分析2007 年12 月~2013 年1 月期间收治的21 例复发性肠套叠(套叠3 次及以上)患儿的临床资料。结果:21 例患儿均予以腹腔镜探查,3 例患儿仅发现回肠末端肠系膜淋巴结 增生,18 例探及原发病灶:其中Meckel憩室10 例,结肠息肉3 例,肠重复畸形2 例,非霍奇金淋巴瘤1 例,异位胰腺1 例,小肠腺 瘤1 例。20 例术后随访至今均未再次复发,1 例失访。结论:年龄>2 岁,有多次复发肠套叠病史(套叠3 次及以上),尤其是短期内 复发频繁的患儿,大多存在肠道器质性病变,应积极手术治疗,且以腹腔镜治疗为佳。
      Objective:To explore the minimally invasive treatment of pediatric recurrent intussusceptions (more than 3 times).Methods:The clinical data of 21 cases of pediatric recurrent intussusceptions were retrospectively analyzed.Results:Laparoscopic exploration was performed in all 21 children. It was not reveal any pathological causes in 3 cases of intussusceptions, however, primary lesions were found in 18 cases: Meckel diverticulums was in cases, colonic polyps was in cases, intestinal duplications in adenoma of small intestine in 1 case. No recurrent occurred in 20 cases of patients who successfully received follow-up after surgery with 1 case of lost to follow-up.Conclusion:For children older than 2 years, recurrent intussusception has repeatedly 3 times and above, especially for those children recrudesced frequently in short-term, most of them presence of intestinal disorders, they should be actively treated by surgery and laparoscopic surgery is preferred.
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