刘明兴 王永楠 夏磊 高国 仲骏.纳米药物载体靶向治疗脑胶质瘤的现状及前景展望[J].,2015,15(33):6575-6579
The Status Quo and Prospect Forecast of Nano-drug Carrier in TargetedTreatment of Glioma
中文关键词: 纳米药物载体  脑胶质瘤  靶向治疗  血脑屏障
英文关键词: Nano-drug carrier  Glioma  Targeted treatment  Blood BrainBarrier(BBB)
刘明兴 王永楠 夏磊 高国 仲骏 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院神经外科上海交通大学纳米生物工程研究所 
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      脑胶质瘤在成人原发脑肿瘤中居首位,目前的治疗手段疗效较差,手术切除后复发率高,而化疗药物不能有效的穿透血脑 屏障并聚集在肿瘤部位。纳米材料作为载药体为其治疗开辟了新的思路,纳米材料在保持药物稳定性,增加其血液循环时间方面 有明显优势。但目前纳米材料还存在着一些亟待解决的问题,如穿透血脑屏障(BBB)、准确靶向于脑胶质瘤细胞等。本文简略论述 了纳米材料载药的特性及优势,重点就目前纳米材料载药所面临的问题进行综述,总结了纳米药物穿透血脑屏障的多种策略及 纳米药物靶向于脑胶质瘤的不同方式,并详细讨论了目前纳米材料载药多重靶向策略,对其未来的发展进行展望。
      Glioma is the most common primary brain tumors in adults. The effectiveness of systemic chemotherapy and surgery are limited. Thechemotherapy drug can not penetrate the blood-brain barrier effectively. The nanoparticle has emerged as a potential vector for brain delivery, which is able to overcome the difficulties of modern strategies and keep the stability of chemoth erapy drug as well as prolong the blood circulation time. However, many problems of nanoparticles are still needed to be solved in the treatment of glioma, for example, the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) limits the passage of a wide variety of nanoparticles. Moreover, the precision of targeting treatment is limited .This review reports the latest research in nanoparticle-based glioma treatment, and discuss how to solve the present problems. It focuses on the strategy of presence of the blood-brain barrier and the precision of targeted treatment.
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