赵焕英 赵君朋 方霄 杨颖 张进禄.基因结构分析软件对实时定量PCR引物进行设计和筛选[J].,2015,15(36):7190-7193
Design and Screen of Primers in Real-time PCR using Gene StructureAnalysis Software
中文关键词: 基因结构  引物  实时定量PCR
英文关键词: Gene structure  Primer  Real-time PCR
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81200783);北京市财政支持基础临床合作基金项目(13JL28,14JL29); 北京市财政支持校基金技术类项目(2014JS08)
赵焕英 赵君朋 方霄 杨颖 张进禄 首都医科大学医学实验与测试中心济宁医学院药学院13 级药物制剂技术 
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      目的:以人丝裂原活化蛋白激酶3(mitogen-activated protein kinase 3, ) 基因结构为例,利用不同生物相关软件分析、 设计和筛选合适的定量PCR 引物。方法:利用NCBI 的Gene 数据库查找人基因的参考序列、UniGene 数据库查找标准 参考序列;并用在线软件如Spidey, UCSC, Ensembl 等分析基因结构;利用Primer3,Oligo6,IDT 等软件进行引物设计;用MFOLD 程序分析基因二级结构后,选择引物可定位的外显子位置;利用电子PCR进行引物扩增特异性的检验;最后通过实验检验引物的 扩增效果。结果:从程序软件推荐的引物列表中筛选出一对能特异扩增人基因的引物。结论:基因结构分析软件有助于定 量PCR 引物的设计。
      Objective:To analyze, design and screen the primers for mitogen-activated protein kinase3 ( ) gene amplified in real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) by using different biological softwares.Methods:Searching the sequence of gene in NCBI gene database; searching standard sequence in Unigene database; analyzing the gene structure with online software such as Spidey, UCSC and Ensembl; designing the primers with Primer3, Oligo6 and IDT softwares; Localizing the primers in exon following analysis of secondary structure of gene with MFOLD program; testing the specificity of amplified products with Electronic PCR (ePCR); testing the efficiency of amplification by experiment.Results:A pair of primers which can be used to specifically amplify gene were screened from the primer list proposed by software.Conclusion: The softwares for analysis of gene structure are helpful for designing primers used in qPCR.
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