蒋凯 王秋根△ 周晓凯 王谦 黄建华 李凡.86 例骨盆骨折的流行病学回顾性分析[J].,2016,16(4):701-704
86 例骨盆骨折的流行病学回顾性分析
Retrospective Analysis on Epidemiology of 86 Cases of Pelvic Fractures
中文关键词: 骨盆  骨折  流行病学
英文关键词: Pelvis  Fracture  Epidemiology
蒋凯 王秋根△ 周晓凯 王谦 黄建华 李凡 上海市第一人民医院创伤中心 
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      目的:探讨骨盆骨折的流行病学特征。方法:利用医学影像计算机存档与传输系统(PACS)及病案查询系统,回顾性分析我院 2010 年7 月1 日至2011 年6 月30 日收治的86 例骨盆骨折患者的流行病学特征。结果:男性58 例,女性28 例,男女性别比例 2.07:1。年龄分布8-87 岁,平均39.07± 17.40 岁,其中青年组(18-40 岁)51 例(59.30%)、中年组(41-65 岁)23 例(26.74%)。主要致 伤原因为车祸51 例(59.30%)、高坠伤24 例(27.91%)。按骨盆骨折AO分型:A 型45 例(52.33%)、B型25 例(29.07%)、C 型16 例(18.60%)。86 例患者有30 例合并其它部位的损伤,占34.88%。56 例为单纯骨盆骨折,占65.12%。本组病例有31(36.05%)例 行手术治疗,涉及脊柱骨科、创伤骨科、普外科、胸外科、脑外科。55(63.95%)例行保守治疗。创伤严重度评分(ISS)分布在4-43分, 平均为17.50± 6.14 分。结论:盆骨骨折多发生于男性中青年患者,致伤原因主要是车祸及高坠伤,且骨盆骨折较易合并身体其它 部位的损伤,各科室之间应加强合作治疗。
      Objective:To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of pelvic fractures.Methods:The epidemiology of 86 patients with pelvic fractures, who were treated in Shanghai First People's Hospital from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, was retrospectively analyzed by picture archiving and communication systems(PACS) and record query system.Results:There were 58 males and 28 females, the ratio of males to females was 2.07:1. The age range was from 8 to 87 years, the average was 39.07± 17.40 years, in which there were 51 patients(59.30%) in young group(18-40 years old), 23 patients(26.74%) in middle age group(41-65 years old). The main causes of pelvic fractures were 51 cases of traffic accidents(59.30%) and 24 cases of high falling injury(27.91%). According to the AO classification of pelvic fractures, there were 45 cases of classA (52.33%), 25 cases of classB (29.07%), 16 cases of class C (18.60%). Among the 86 patients with pelvic fractures, 30 patients combined with other injury (34.88%) and 56 patients were purely pelvic fractures(65.12%); 31 patients underwent operations(36.05%), including the departments of spine and orthopedics, trauma, general surgery, thoracic surgery and cerebral surgery; 55 patients, conservative therapy (63.95%). The range of injury severity score (ISS) was from4 to 43 points, the average was 17.50± 6.14 points.Conclusion:The pelvis fracture occurs in young and middle-aged male patients. Its main reason is the traffic accident injury and high falling injury and it easily combines with other injury, so the related departments should cooperate in the treatment of patients with pelvic fractures.
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