卜琳琳 张卓伯 高冠群 邢晓滨 宋江曼.基质金属蛋白酶-9 与脑出血的关系[J].,2016,16(4):781-784
基质金属蛋白酶-9 与脑出血的关系
Relationship of MMP-9 and Cerebral Hemorrhage
中文关键词: 基质金属蛋白酶-9  脑出血  关系
英文关键词: MMP-9  Cerebral hemorrhage  Relationship
卜琳琳 张卓伯 高冠群 邢晓滨 宋江曼 哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院神经内科 
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      基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)是一族锌离子依赖性内肽酶,具有降解细胞外基质的作用,而后者是构成血管基底膜的主要成分。 MMPs 参与了伤口愈合、动脉硬化发生、肿瘤细胞扩散等过程。MMP-9 是MMPs 中的重要成员,与脑血管病关系密切,在脑出血 的发生、发展过程中起到了重要的作用。因此,监测MMP-9 表达水平的变化可能对脑出血的发生、发展及预后产生重要影响;而 降低MMP-9 表达水平,则可能成为治疗脑出血的新途径。
      Matrix metalloproteinases is a group of zinc-dependent endopeptidase that can degrade the extracellular matrix which is the main component of the vascular basement membrane. MMPs could be involved in wound healing, atherosclerosis, tumor cell proliferation and other processes. MMP-9 is an important member of the MMPs family. MMP-9 is closely related to cerebrovascular disease, playing an important part in the onset and development of cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, it is suggested that the changes of MMP-9 would be important to predict the occurrence, the progress and the prognosis of cerebral hemorrhage. What’s more, the control the level of MMP 9 may be a new way to treat cerebral hemorrhage.
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