王健 孙胜 杨传东 徐银良 姚猛.保守治疗颈性眩晕的研究进展[J].,2016,16(7):1354-1357
The Research Advancement of Conservative Treatment of Cervical Vertigo
中文关键词: 颈性眩晕  保守治疗  研究进展
英文关键词: Cervical Vertigo  Conservative treatment  Research progress
王健 孙胜 杨传东 徐银良 姚猛 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二临床医学院骨三科 
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      颈性眩晕是指因颈源性因素引起的以眩晕为主的综合征,多发于40 岁以上,患病率非常高,临床表现为眩晕、颈头痛、耳 鸣、耳聋、眼球震颤、恶心、呕吐、肩背痛、心悸、出汗等,症状不但复杂,而且不典型,患者常同时患耳鼻喉科与神经内科的疾病。研 究表明,50 岁以上的眩晕患者中,约50 %为颈性眩晕,其伴随症状的复杂性和高患病率严重影响了患者的健康和生活。目前,颈 性眩晕的发病机制、诊断标准、治疗方法仍未完全明确,常造成误诊、误治,且尚无一种治疗手段能够彻底治愈此病。手术治疗此 病较少,临床多以保守治疗为主,包括手法推拿按摩治疗、牵引治疗、针灸及理疗以及中、西医药治疗、神经阻滞治疗等。本文主要 对保守治疗颈性眩晕的研究进展进行了综述。
      Cervical vertigo is a syndrome of vertigo caused by cervical factors, happens more frequently in 40 years old, its clinical manifestations include vertigo, headache, tinnitus, deafness, nystagmus, nausea, vomiting, shoulder pain, palpitations, sweating. The symptoms are complex and not typical, so patients with cervical vertigo often suffer fromthe diseases of ENT Department and neurological Department. Some researches show that cervical vertigo accounts for 50% in the patients suffering from vertigo who were about 50 years old, the complexity of symptoms and high prevalence rate greatly affect patients' health and life. At present, the pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and treatment methods are still not completely clear, which often leads to the misdiagnosis and mistreatment, and no treatment can completely cure the disease. Surgery is rarely applied on this disease and conservative treatment is the mainly used for it, including massage therapy, traction therapy, acupuncture and physiotherapy and Chinese and Western medicine therapy, nerve block treatment, etc. This article mainly review the research advancement of coservative treatment of cervical vertigo.
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