孙爱丽 郁向静 孙宇 张伟华.糖尿病血管平滑肌细胞增殖与线粒体关系的研究进展[J].,2016,16(14):2783-2785
The Research Progress between the Proliferation of Diabetes VascularSmooth Muscle Cell and Mitochondria
中文关键词: 糖尿病  血管平滑肌细胞  线粒体  ROS
英文关键词: Diabetes  Vascular smooth muscle cell  Mitochondria  Reactive Oxygen Species
孙爱丽 郁向静 孙宇 张伟华 哈尔滨医科大学病理生理学教研室 
摘要点击次数: 1227
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      糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)是严重危害人类健康的全身性代谢疾病,常发生血液流变学、微循环和细胞代谢的紊乱,导致 缺血、缺氧和组织水肿,进而引起血管和神经病变。血管病变常常是糖尿病病人致死、致残的主要原因。血管平滑肌细胞的增殖及 表型改变是糖尿病引发动脉粥样硬化性疾病的显著特征,而线粒体在血管平滑肌细胞的增殖过程中起重要作用。因此,探讨糖尿 病血管平滑肌细胞与线粒体的关系及机制为糖尿病血管性疾病的治疗提供重要的理论基础,有利于基础研究向临床试用药物研 究的转化。
      Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a systemic metabolic disease which seriously impairs human’s health. Patients with DM frequently represents disorders of hemorheology, microcirculation and cell metabolism which could lead to ischemia, hypoxia and tissue edema, further resulting in vascular and nervous abnormalities. Vasculopathy is often regarded as the main cause for the lethality and disability of diabetic patients. Proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells and phenotypic changes are main characteristics of atherosclerosis disease caused by diabetes. Meanwhile, mitochondria play an important role in the process of proliferation. Therefore, the exploration of the relationship between mitochondria and the vascular smooth muscle cell in diabetes mellitus can provide an important theoretical basis for the treatment of diabetic vascular disease, which is beneficial for the transformation from fundamental research to clinical drug research.
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