孟美娟 叶红 蔡婷 袁琦 杨俊伟.无创血流动力学监测临床应用的研究进展[J].,2016,16(14):2789-2792
Research Progress of Non-invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring in ClinicalApplication
中文关键词: 血流动力学监测  无创  临床应用
英文关键词: Hemodynamic monitoring  Non-invasive  Clinical application
孟美娟 叶红 蔡婷 袁琦 杨俊伟 南京医科大学第二附属医院 
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      随着重症医学的发展,血流动力学监测也受到越来越多的关注。准确判断患者血流动力学变化能指导临床医生做出正确的 治疗措施。在重症患者中,患者的前负荷,后负荷及心肌收缩力均发生巨大改变且三者相互影响。在这种情况下,准确判断患者血 流动力学变化是临床工作中面临的重大挑战。目前临床上,很多血流动力学监测设备正在使用,帮助临床医生做出准确判断。近 十年来,血流动力学监测从有创向微创甚至无创的方向发展,由短时监测向长时连续监测的方向发展。无创血流动力学监测设备 因其操作简单及无创伤性在临床使用越来越广泛。本文主要回顾分析临床中常用几种无创血流动力学监测仪,介绍它们的作用 原理,及各自的优缺点。
      With the development of critical care medicine, hemodynamic monitoring has gained more and more attention. Accurate judgement of hemodynamic could help doctors make correct treatment measures. In critically ill patients, all of preload, afterload and contractility undergo great changes and interact with each other. In this situation, it is a great challenge for clinician to estimate hemodynamics change accurately. Up to now, various devices have been used to help doctors monitor hemodynamic. In the past 10 years, hemodynamic monitoring techniques have evolved from intermittent toward continuous measurements and from an invasive towards a less invasive even non-invasive approach. Non-invasive hemodynamic devices are more and more widely used in clinical use due to easy-operating and noninvasion. A variety of non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring devices were introduced in this article, with functional mechanismclarified and advantages as well as disadvantages discussed.
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