杨凯 韩珊△ 刘世勤 岳长波 徐学斌 赵守美.Ommaya 囊在神经外科治疗中的研究进展[J].,2016,16(16):3183-3186
Ommaya 囊在神经外科治疗中的研究进展
Advances of Ommaya Reservoir in Neurosurgical Treatment
中文关键词: Ommaya 囊  颅脑肿瘤  脑出血  脑积水  颅内感染性疾病
英文关键词: Ommaya reservoir  Brain tumors  Cerebral hemorrhage  Hydrocephalus  Intracranial infections
杨凯 韩珊△ 刘世勤 岳长波 徐学斌 赵守美 山东省立医院集团东营市人民医院神经外科 
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      Ommaya 囊是巴基斯坦神经外科医师Ommaya 发明的脑室引流工具,包括一个扁平状的储液器与一根引流管相接而成,其 最初设计目的是在治疗真菌性脑膜炎时进行侧脑室内持续给药,因此又称为"储药囊"。Ommaya 囊的引流管也可以置入患者四 脑室、疆池、囊腔与脑池。其对颅脑肿瘤、脑室出血、脑膜炎等疾病的治疗、中枢神经系统感染与脑脊液药理学、细胞学的实验研究 等方面也有重要意义。
      Ommaya reservoir is a ventricular drainage device invented by Pakistani neurosurgeon Ommaya. It was buried under the scalp a flat reservoir and a drainage tube inserted into the lateral ventricle of the phase angle from its initial design. The purpose is to be administered to treat fungal meningitis with sustained medicine, also known as "drug reservoir bag." With advances in medical technology, this drainage tube can be placed in cystic tumors, fourth ventricle and cistern. It plays an important role in treating such disease like brain tumors, meningitis, ventricular hemorrhage and so on. It also has significance in cerebrospinal fluid pharmacology and cytology involved experimental study.
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