赵中喜 王中利 张煚 张建臣 张银凤.环糊精的药学应用[J].,2016,16(19):3788-3792
The Pharmaceutical Applications of Cyclodextrins
中文关键词: 环糊精  水溶性  药物剂型  药学应用
英文关键词: Cyclodextrins  Solubility  Dosage forms  Pharmaceutical applications
赵中喜 王中利 张煚 张建臣 张银凤 上海交通大学药学院 
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      环糊精是一类由D- 吡喃型葡萄糖单体以alpha-1,4-糖苷键相互连接而成的环状低聚糖。这种环状的低聚糖形成了一种内穴疏 水、外缘亲水的特殊结构。因此,环糊精能够和脂溶性药物分子形成包合物,从而可以增加脂溶性药物分子的水溶性和稳定性。同 时,这些低聚糖自身无毒性,亦没有明显的药理活性。这些使得环糊精被广泛应用于食品、化妆品和药品当中。作为一种新型的药 物赋形剂,环糊精广泛应用于口服、静脉注射和鼻下给药等多种药物剂型,目前在市场上至少有35 种环糊精相关的药品,相信在 不久的将来,环糊精在药学领域会得到越来越广泛的应用。本文综述了环糊精类的结构特点、包合性能、药物代谢、毒理学性质和 目前在药学领域的应用。
      Cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccharides that consist of (琢-1, 4)-liked D-glucopyranose units. These cyclic oligosaccharides give the cyclodextrin a unique structure which has a hydrophilic outer surface and a lipophilicity central cavity. Cyclodextrins are able to form water-soluble inclusion complexes with many poorly soluble lipophilic drugs which can be used to enhance the aqueous solubility and improve drug bioavailability. In addition, these oligosacharides are being recognized as non-toxic and pharmacologically inactive excipients for food, cosmetic and drug products. Nowadays, Cyclodextrins can be found in at least 35 pharmaceutical products. As a novel pharmaceutical excipient, especially for the improvement of drug formulation, cyclodextrins have been applied to the oral, intravenous, under nasal drug delivery, etc. It is believed that cycledextrins will have more and more pharmaceutical applications in the near future. The objective of this review is to discuss the sturcture characteristics, incusion ability, pharmacokinetics, toxicology and pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins.
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