李 星,李竹英,王雪慧,蒋鹏娜,隋博文.平喘颗粒的药效学研究[J].,2017,17(18):3456-3461
Experimental Study on Pharmacodynamics of Pingchuan Granule
投稿时间:2017-03-01  修订日期:2017-03-31
中文关键词: 平喘颗粒  祛痰  镇咳  平喘  抗炎  提高免疫力
英文关键词: Pingchuan Granule  Expectorant  Antitussive  Anti-asthmatic  Anti-inflammatory  Improving immunity
李 星 黑龙江中医药大学 黑龙江 哈尔滨150040黑龙江中医药大学北药基础与应用研究省部共建教育部重点实验室 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040 hsk.starl@yahoo.com 
李竹英 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040黑龙江中医药大学北药基础与应用研究省部共建教育部重点实验室 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040  
王雪慧 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040  
蒋鹏娜 黑龙江中医药大学 黑龙江 哈尔滨150040  
隋博文 黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院 黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040  
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      摘要 目的:研究平喘颗粒的药效学作用。方法:小鼠随机分为空白组(或/和)模型组,喘嗽宁组(0.7 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(31.2 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(15.6 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(7.8 g/kg)。采用酚红外排,氨水引咳,二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀,琼脂导致小鼠肉芽肿炎症,小鼠负重游泳,小鼠耐常压缺氧,小鼠巨噬细胞吞噬实验观察平喘颗粒的祛痰,镇咳,抗炎,抗疲劳,抗乏氧和提高免疫力作用。大鼠随机分为空白组、模型组、喘嗽宁组(0.486 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(21.6 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(10.8 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(5.4 g/kg),给予卵蛋白激发哮喘,观察平喘颗粒的平喘作用;豚鼠随机分为模型组、喘嗽宁组(0.419 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(18.6 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(9.3 g/kg)、平喘颗粒组(4.65 g/kg),喷入磷酸组胺和氯化乙酰胆碱,观察平喘颗粒的平喘作用。结果:平喘颗粒(31.2 g/kg、15.6 g/kg、7.8 g/kg)可显著提高小鼠酚红的排出量(P<0.05),延长氨水致小鼠咳嗽的潜伏期(P<0.05),减少氨水所致小鼠咳嗽次数(P<0.05),减少二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀程度(P<0.05),减少琼脂导致小鼠肉芽肿重量(P<0.01),提高小鼠负重游泳时间(P<0.05),提高小鼠耐常压缺氧时间(P<0.05),可显著提高小鼠巨噬细胞吞噬能力(P<0.05)。平喘颗粒(21.6 g/kg、10.8 g/kg、5.4 g/kg)延长卵蛋白致大鼠哮喘发作的潜伏期(P<0.05);平喘颗粒(18.6 g/kg、9.3 g/kg、4.65 g/kg)延长磷酸组胺和氯化乙酰胆碱致豚鼠哮喘发作的潜伏期(P<0.05)。结论:平喘颗粒具有较好的镇咳,祛痰,抗急、慢性炎症,抗疲劳,抗乏氧,提高免疫力,平喘的作用。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To study the pharmacodynamics of Pingchuan granule. Methods: Mice were randomly divided into control group(or/ and model group), Chuansuning group(0.7 g/kg) and three dosage groups of Pingchuan granule(31.2 g/kg, 15.6 g/kg, 7.8 g/kg). To observe the activities of Pingchuan granule on antitussive, anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, improving immunity, the following experiments were carried out: removing phlegm with phenol red, cough induced by ammonia, Xylene-induced mouse ear edema, chronic granuloma induced by agar, weight loading swimming test, bearing hypoxia at normal pressure test, peritoneal macrophage experiment. Rats were randomly divided into six groups: control group model group)), Chuansuning group(0.486 g/kg) and three dosage groups of Pingchuan granule(21.6 g/kg, 10.8 g/kg, 5.4 g/kg). To study the antiasthma effect of Pingchuan granule, the asthma latent period, which induced by OVA in rats, were observed. Guinea pigs were also randomly divided into five groups: model group, Chuansuning group(0.419 g/kg) and three dosage groups of Pingchuan granule(18.6 g/kg, 9.3 g/kg, 4.65 g/kg). To study the antiasthma effect of Pingchuan granule, the asthma latent period, which induced by acetylcholine and histamine in guinea pigs, were observed. Results: Pingchuan granule (31.2 g/kg, 15.6 g/kg, 7.8 g/kg) could increase the phenol red excretion of respiratory tract in mice(P<0.05), reduce the frequency of cough induced by ammonia and prolong the latent period of cough(P<0.05), inhibit the mice auricle swelling by xylene(P<0.05)and chronic granuloma by agar(P<0.01), prolong the duration of weight loading swimming test and hypoxia at normal pressure test improved the phagocytic index of macrophage. Pingchuan granule(21.6 g/kg, 10.8 g/kg, 5.4 g/kg) could prolong the asthma latent period induced by OVA in rats ; Pingchuan granule(21.6 g/kg, 10.8 g/kg, 5.4 g/kg) could prolong the asthma latent period induced by acetylcholine and histamine in guinea pigs. Conclusion: Pingchuan granule has activities of antitussive, anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, improving immunity and antiasthmatic.
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