时 权,徐 娟,郭希民,刘洪臣.外泌体在皮肤修复与再生中作用的研究进展[J].,2018,(3):561-564
Research Progress of the Role of Exosomes in Skin Repair and Regeneration
投稿时间:2017-04-28  修订日期:2017-05-23
中文关键词: 外泌体  皮肤再生  创面修复
英文关键词: Exosomes  Skin regeneration  Wound healing
时 权 中国人民解放军总医院 口腔医学研究所 北京 100853 shiquan3333@sina.cn 
徐 娟 中国人民解放军总医院 口腔医学研究所 北京 100853  
郭希民 军事医学科学院 基础医学研究所 北京 100850  
刘洪臣 中国人民解放军总医院 口腔医学研究所 北京 100853  
摘要点击次数: 614
全文下载次数: 413
      摘要:外泌体是直径在30-100 nm左右的囊泡结构。作为一种活细胞分泌的亚细胞成分,外泌体广泛参与细胞之间的交流,并可以作为干细胞的旁分泌因子来发挥生物学效应。研究发现外泌体可以参与皮肤组织修复与再生的各个过程,通过促进皮肤细胞的增殖迁移,促进血管新生,调节免疫反应来促进创伤愈合与皮肤组织再生,为进一步实现无细胞治疗提供了新的实现途径。对于某些慢性创面,例如糖尿病性皮肤溃疡等也有较好的治疗效果。本文就外泌体在皮肤修复与再生中作用的研究进展做一综述。
      ABSTRACT: Exosomes are one kind of the extracellular vesicles which ranged in size from 30 to 100 nm. As the subcellular com- ponents secreted by the living cells, exosomes widely are involved in the cell to cell communication and they are one of the key secretory products of stem cells to play to the biological effects of stem cells. It has been found that exosomes can enhance the wound healing and facilitate the skin regeneration by promoting proliferation and migration of fibroblasts, enhancing angiogenesis and regulating immune re- sponses, which lay a foundation to achieve the cell-free therapy. Besides, exosomes also had excellent effect in treating chronic wounds, such as the diabetic ulcers. This article reviewed the advances on the role of exosomes in skin repair and regeneration.
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