周􀀁 强􀀁 徐瑞清􀀁 程小桐.昆虫的生物光电效应与虫害治理应用[J].,2006,6(4):70-72
Bio- photo- electro effect of insects and its application in pest control
中文关键词: 农业昆虫  生物光电效应  趋光性  诱导增益  虫害治理
英文关键词: Agricultural insects  Bio- photo- electro effect  Phototaxis  Induction boosting  Pest control
周􀀁 强􀀁 徐瑞清􀀁 程小桐 中国农业大学工学院42 信箱?? 
摘要点击次数: 2901
全文下载次数: 4293
      农业虫害的治理需要依据为害昆虫的特性提出与环境适宜、生态兼容的技术体系和关键技术。为害昆虫表现了对敏 感光源具有个体差异性和群体一贯性的趋光性行为特征, 并通过视觉神经信号响应和生理光子能量需求的方式呈现出生物光电 效应的作用本质。利用昆虫的这种趋性行为诱导增益特性, 一些光电诱导杀虫灯技术以及害虫诱导捕集技术广泛地应用于农业 虫害的防治, 具有良好的应用前景。
      The control of agricultural pests need to offer a key technology and technique system adapted to environment and ecology according to the harmful pests?? habits. The photo- taxis behavior of agricultural pests presents the differences between individuals and the presentation to a population through reviewing previous investigations on the insect photo- taxi, and the nature of bio- photo- electro effect in the photo - taxis biophysical process was suggested by discussing some potential characters of physiology of insect retina cells. Utilizing the behavior and character of insects living, the frequency- vibration insect trapping lights are widely used in the control of agricultural and forestry pests, and the photo- electro- inducing locust trapping machine displays a good prospect in the trapping control of locust disaster as resources.
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