王实元􀀁 􀀁 刘􀀁 泓􀀁 牛玉梅􀀁 赵尔风汤.高频电对感染根管消毒作用的初步实验研究[J].,2006,6(1):41-42
The research of preliminary experiment of high frequent electricity?? sdisinfection function to the infected root canal
中文关键词: 高频电  氢氧化钙药尖  感染根管  根管消毒  根管内容物
英文关键词: High frequent electricity( HFE)  Calcium hydrox ide medicine points( CHMP)  Infected root canal  Root canal disinfection
王实元􀀁 􀀁 刘􀀁 泓􀀁 牛玉梅􀀁 赵尔风汤 哈尔滨医科大学口腔医学院?? 
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      目的: 初步验证高频电对感染根管是否具有较理想的消毒作用, 并且与氢氧化钙药尖的消毒作用进行初步比较分析。 方法: 本实验制作10 只家兔40 颗门齿的感染根管动物模型, 其中20 颗用高频电消毒为实验组。20 颗用氢氧化钙药尖消毒为对 照组, 消毒前后分别作需氧菌和厌氧菌培养并比较其消毒效果。结果: 消毒前实验组和对照组各20 个根管的需氧及厌氧菌培养 全部阳性。实验组消毒后需氧菌3 个阳性根管、厌氧菌2 个阳性根管, 消毒前后对需氧和厌氧菌杀灭作用的差异均具有极显著 性( P< 0. 005) 。对照组消毒后需氧菌13 个阳性根管消毒作用的差异有显著性( P< 0. 05) 。对照组消毒后厌氧菌11 个阳性根管 消毒作用的差异有极显著性( P< 0. 005) 。实验组和对照组分别对需氧和厌氧2 个菌种之间消毒作用的差异均无显著性( P> 0. 05) 。实验组和对照组对需氧菌的消毒作用和对厌氧菌的消毒作用的组间差异均具有极显著性( P< 0. 005) 。结论: 高频电对感 染根管内容物的消毒作用优于氢氧化钙药尖, 具有临床应用的可行性。值得进一步研究。
      Objective: To preliminarily verify the disinfection function of the high frequent electricity( HFE) for the infected root canal as compared with that of calcium hydroxide medicine point( CHMP) . Methods: In this experiment, infected root canal( IRC) models of 10 domestic rabbits?? incisor teeth( n= 40) were made, among which, 20 incisor teeth with IRC were disinfected with HFE as experimental group; 20 with ca-l cium hydroxide medicine points as control group. Before and after disinfection, aerobes and anaerobes were respectively cultured, and the disinfection results of HFE and CHMP were compared and analysed. Results: Before disinfection, the culture of aerobes and anaerobes of 20 root canals in each group were all positive. After disinfection, in experimental group were 3 aerobe positive root canals and 2 anaerobe positive root canals; but in control group were 13 and 11. There were significant differences in the disinfection of aerobes and anaerobes between the two groups( P< 0. 005) . Conclusion: In the disinfection of infected root canals, CHMP is inferior toHFE, which has the possibility of clinical application and deserves to be further studied.
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