回佳菡􀀁 唐􀀁 咏.热休克转录因子1 调控热休克蛋白表达的研究进展[J].,2006,6(2):84-85
热休克转录因子1 调控热休克蛋白表达的研究进展
Progress in the expression of heat shock protein regulated by heat shock transcription factor 1
中文关键词: 热休克蛋白  热休克蛋白转录因子  作用机制
英文关键词: heat shock protein  heat shock protein transcription factor  operation mechanism
回佳菡􀀁 唐􀀁 咏 辽宁省沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院?? 
摘要点击次数: 963
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      热休克反应主要是通过调节热休克转录因子1( heat shock transcription factor1, HSF1) 的活性, 提高Hsps 的合成来实现。 HSF1 通过与HSBP 和HSP70 形成复合物, 调节自身活性, 对Hsps 的合成进行调控。因此, 对人热休克应答机制的研究将有助于 了解Hsps 合成的调控机制, 从而阐明热休克应答在局部缺血、发炎、感染等多种人类疾病中的启动机制, 为寻找和开发能激活细 胞热休克防御机制的新型分子药物提供理论基础。
      The induction of the heat shock response requires the activation and translocation to the nucleus of heat shock transcription factor 1( HSF1) which control the expression of heat shock proteins( HSPs) . HSF1 interact with heat shock binding protein1( HSBP1) and heat shock protein( HSP70) to regulate self- activation then regulate the synthesize of HSPs. The research of heat shock response help to understand the mechanism of regulating the synthesize of HSPs. The discovery that the heat shock response is turned on under several pathological conditions and contributes to establish a cytoprotective state in a variety of human diseases, including ischemia, inflammation, and infection, has opened new perspectives in medicine and pharmacology, as molecules activating this defense mechanism appear as possible candidates for novel cytoprotective drugs.
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