卞艳萍.病毒性肝炎患者抗—HBcIgA 、IgE 、IgG 、IgM 平行检测的临床意义[J].,2006,6(3):29-30
病毒性肝炎患者抗—HBcIgA 、IgE 、IgG 、IgM 平行检测的临床意义
Parallel Examination of Anti -HBcIgA, IgE, IgG, and IgMof Patients with Virus Hepatitis
中文关键词: 乙型肝炎  抗-HBcIgA、HBcIgE、HBcIgG、HbcIgM  平行检测
英文关键词: Virus hepatitis(VH)  Parallel examination  Hepatitis B virus(HBV)  Anti - HBcIgA, HBcIgE , HBcIgG and HBcIgM
卞艳萍 黑龙江省大庆市第二医院 
摘要点击次数: 958
全文下载次数: 1266
      目的:通过对乙肝病人血清抗-HBcIgA、HBcIgE、HbcIgG、HbcIgM 平行检测进一步地探讨其临床应用价值。方法:收集 216 份乙肝病人血清(均为我院住院病人的血清), 采用ELISA 法对病人血清抗-HBcIgA、HBcIgE 、HBcIgG、HBcIgM 平行检测, 并对 检测结果作统计学分析。结果:检测结果表明:抗-HBcIgA 是HBV 感染后肝脏损害的明显标志, 抗-HBcIgE 是HBV 感染后乙型 肝炎慢性化的标志, 抗-HBcIgG 持续存在则是以往感染的标志, 抗-HBcIgM 是HBV 感染后病毒持续复制的标志。结论:在急慢 性乙型肝炎、慢活肝与慢迁肝鉴别诊断中, 平行检测病人血清抗-HBcIgA、HBcIgE 、HbcIgG 、HbcIgM 对乙型肝炎慢性化及其预后估 价均有重要临床意义
      Objective :To further study the clinical application value of parallel examination of anti -HBcIgA, HBcIgE , HBcIgG and HBcIgM in the sera of patients with hepatitis B(HB).Methods:216 blood specimens of HB patients, who were in-patients in our hospital ,were collected and examined .And the levels of anti -HBcIgA, HBcIgE , HBcIgG and HBcIgM in the sera of the patients were statistically analysed.Results :The results showed that anti -HBcIgA was the identification marker of liver lesion post infection of HBV , anti-HBcIgE wa the chronicity marker of HB post infection of HBV, anti -HBcIgG persistence existence was the infection marker in the past , and anti-HBcIgM was the marker of virus persistence replication post infection of HBV.Conclusion:In the differential diagnosis of acute or chronic HB , chronic active hepatitis and chronic persistent hepatitis, parallel examining anti -HBcIgA, HBcIgE, HBcIgG and HBcIgM in the sera of the patients will be a significant means for HB chronicity and prognosis.
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