Intervention Effect of Health Education in TerminationOccurrence of Cardiocerebrovascular Diseases
中文关键词: 心脑血管疾病  高血压  高脂血症  健康教育干预
英文关键词: Cardiocerebrovascular diseases( CCVD)  High blood pressure( HBP)  Hyperlipemia(HL)  Intervention of health education
董玉巧 河南省濮阳县第二人民医院内科?? 
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      通过健康教育干预探讨对心脑血管疾病发生之影响, 为心脑血管疾病的防治工作提供理论依据。方法: 从2000 年到 我院集中体检的大于50 岁以上的在职和离退休干部4000 人中, 抽出资料完整并符合本次研究纳入标准者2000 人, 随机分为健 康干预组和一般治疗对照组各1000 人。其中干预组1000 人中, 高血压480 人, 高脂血症413 人, 高血压合并高脂血症107 人; 对 照组1000 人中, 高血压478 人, 高脂血症423 人, 高血压合并高脂血症100 人。两组均以高血压、高脂血症作为最主要的危险因 素进行健康教育干预。健康教育干预组患者分别建立健康档案, 制定系统的健康教育干预措施并组织实施, 定期随访; 一般治疗 对照组患者将体检结果通知本人后, 由其在门诊接受健康教育和治疗, 对健康教育和治疗方法不作强制性规定。连续观察五年, 比较两组五年间心脑血管疾病的发生情况( 即以发生AMI/ 心绞痛、脑出血、脑血栓形成等心脑血管疾病的终点事件为评价标 准) 。结果: 健康教育干预组病情控制良好, 发生上述心脑血管疾病终点事件比危险因素对照组明显减少( 急性心肌梗塞发生率 为2. 0%比3. 4%, 脑血栓发生率为4. 3%比7. 5%,TIA 为2. 1%比2. 9%) , P< 0. 01。结论: 对存在心脑血管疾病危险因素者积极 开展健康教育干预, 可起到控制疾病进一步发展, 减少心脑血管疾病终点事件的发生。
      Objective: To investigate the intervention effect of health education( HE) in the occurrence of cardiocerebrovascular dis?? eases( CCVD) , and to offer theoretic bases for the prevention and treatment of CCVD. Methods: 2000 people, who had complete data and were consistent with the standard of this study, were drawn out of 4000 people who were at their posts and retired veteran cardres over 50 years old coming to our hospital in 2000 for health examination. The 2000 people were randomly divided into health intervention group( n= 1000) and con?? trol group( n= 1000) . In the intervention group, there 480 of high blood pressure( HBP) , 413 of hyperlipemia( HL) , and 107 of HBP with HL; in the control group, there were 478 of HBP, 423 of HL, and 100 of HBP with HL. The two groups were given intervention of HE according to the most harmful factors of HBP and HL. Health archives were established, for the intervention group, systemic intervention measures of HE were taken, with a regular follow- up. The control group was given a general treatment without mandatory provision. The two groups had been studied for five years, during which, termination occurrence of CCVD was compared between the two groups. Results: Termination incidence rate( TIR) in the intervention group was much lower than that in the control group, in a ratio of 2. 0% to 3. 4%( AMI) , 4. 4% to 7. 5%( cerebral thrombo?? sis, CT) , and 2. 1% to 2. 9%TIA( ( P< 0. 01) . Conclusion: Active intervention of HE, for the people with risk factors of CCVD, can pre?? vent their situation from getting worse and decrease the TIR.
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