宋廷二 夏金兰 聂珍媛 吴 川.不同粒度羧甲基壳聚糖基复合抗菌剂抑菌性能的研究[J].,2006,6(7):1-4
Study on antimicrobial Activity of complex agents Ag- CarboxymethylChitosan- thiabendazole with different size distribution
中文关键词: 复合抗菌剂  羧甲基壳聚糖银噻苯咪唑  抗菌  粒度
英文关键词: Complex antimicrobial agents  Ag- Carboxymethyl chitosan- thiabendazole  Antimicrobial  Size
基金项目:国家自然科学基金委员会创新群体基金( 50321402) 资助
宋廷二 夏金兰 聂珍媛 吴 川 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 893
全文下载次数: 495
      为增加固体制剂的水溶性以及考查研磨后其抗菌性能的变化, 制备了低银含量和低噻苯咪唑含量的羧甲基壳聚糖银 噻苯咪唑( Ag- CMCTS- TBZ) 复合抗菌剂, 通过研磨和粒度分级将其分成C1 ( 150- 74Lm) 、C2( 74- 45Lm) 和C3 ( - 45Lm) 三种制剂, 采用粒度分析、紫外、红外光谱及最小抑菌浓度(MIC) 对其进行分析。研究表明, 低含量银、噻苯咪唑的Ag- CMCTS- TB 均具有 良好的水溶性, 其溶解度都大于0. 4%, 其0. 2%( w/ v) 的抗菌水溶液中的表观粒度在13- 250nm 之间; 但在研磨分级之后, 三种制 剂中分子间的络合或者氢键键合状况发生了变化, 而且导致其抗菌性能发生改变; 其中C1 对E. coli 和S. aureus 有较强的抑制, 而其抑制A. niger 的能力较弱; C3 抗菌活性最低, 对E. coli, S. aureus, C. albicans 和A. niger 的MIC 值皆> 1000 mg/ L; C2 的抗菌效 果则介于其间。
      To increase the solubility and trace its variation in antimicr obial activity after powdering process , Ag - Carboxymethyl Chitosan- thiabendazole ( Ag- CMCTS - TBZ) with low concentr ation of Ag + and thiabendazole (TBZ ) was prepared and powdered into three agents with size distribution of 150- 74Lm、74- 45Lm and - 45Lm by standard sieves sep arating system and marked with C1, C2 and C3 respectively . Particle size analysis shows the app arent diameter of the three agents varies from 13- 250 nm and all p ossess good solubility of higher than 0. 4%. FT - IR and UV spectroscopy show that binding among Ag+ and TBZ to the skeleton of CMCTS changed under the p owdering process and led to decreasing in antimicr obial activity . The minimum inhibitory concentration ( MIC) assessment shows C1 presented the better antimicrobial activity to E . coli and S . aureus but with p oorer performance to A. niger . The antimicrobial activity of C2 is secondary to C1 and and C3 presented the worst antimicrobial p erf ormance with MICs all higher than 1000 mg/ L f or all microbes in tests.
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