杜玲1 曾国香2 杨华强1 李东升1 罗国君2.脐血干细胞局部注射治疗坏死溃疡期巨大压疮1 例并文献复习[J].,2011,11(13):2538-2539
脐血干细胞局部注射治疗坏死溃疡期巨大压疮1 例并文献复习
Local Injection of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells for Large PressureSore in Necrotic Ulcer stage
中文关键词: 脐血干细胞  注射  巨大压疮
英文关键词: Human umbilical cord blood stem cells  Injection  Large pressure sore
杜玲1 曾国香2 杨华强1 李东升1 罗国君2 湖北医药学院附属太和医院 
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      目的:探讨脐血干细胞局部肌内注射治疗坏死溃疡期巨大压疮的临床治疗效果。方法:坏死溃疡期巨大压疮合并瘘道患者, 经常规综合治疗2 月,伤口不能愈合,采用脐血干细胞局部肌内注射治疗,治疗后观察局部血液循环及肉芽组织生长情况。结果: 局部血液循环改善,肉芽组织生长迅速,4 周创面及瘘道痊愈。结论:对于经目前各种综合治疗和护理无效的坏死溃疡期巨大压 疮患者,脐血干细胞局部肌内注射治疗是简单、安全、有效的方法,医护人员对这种治疗方法应持更为积极的态度。
      Objective: To discuss the clinical effect on the patients with local large pressure sore by injection human umbilical cord blood stem cells.Methods: Injection human umbilical cord blood stem cells to treat the unhealed patients with large pressure sore who undergo the generate treat for two months, observe the local circulation and the granulation tissue growth. Result: The patient's with large pressure score local circulation were improved, the granulation tissue growed Rapidly ,and after four weeks, the sore healed. Conclusion: Injection human umbilical cord blood stem cells to treat the d patients with large pressure sore is a easy, safety, and effective method.
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