Characteristics of Autonomatic Nervous Responses of Armymen withDifferent Levels of Mental Quality During Disgust Emotion Processes
中文关键词: 厌恶情绪  心理素质  军人  自主神经反应
英文关键词: Disgust emotion  Mental quality  Armymen  Autonomatic nervous response
李嘉雯余红艳冯正直 第三军医大学护理学院心理学教研室 
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      目的:探讨不同心理素质水平军人在厌恶情绪条件下自主神经反应特点。方法:用军人心理素质量表筛选出54 名部队官 兵,其中高、中、低心理素质组军人各18 名。采用3 份情绪视频材料,诱导被试的中性和厌恶情绪,利用八通道多参数生物反馈 仪,记录自主神经反应的十个指标和相应自主神经反应指标的平均恢复时间。结果:(1)在中性情绪条件下,低心理素质组[(12.06± 4.89)b/min]的心率(HR)的变化上显著大于高心理素质组[(5.75±2.80)b/min];(2)在厌恶情绪条件下,低心理素质组[(7.09±2.02) nU]的心率变异性(HRV)频谱归一化低频功率(Lfnorm)的变化显著大于中等[(3.43±1.70)nU ]与高心理素质组[(2.66±1.50)nU]; 低心理素质组[(357.94±129.33)Hz]的总功率(TP)的变化显著大于中等[(171.14±73.02)ms2]与高心理素质组[(167.84±86.38)ms2]; (3)在自主神经反应指标的恢复时间上,低心理素质组[(49.98±10.96)秒]在厌恶情绪条件下其心率(HR)的恢复时间显著大于高 心理素质组[(24.65±9.38)sec];低心理素质组[(37.84±21.33)sec]在厌恶情绪条件下其皮电(SC)、皮温(TEMP)、指端血容振幅 (BVP)、心率(HR)四个自主神经反应指标的平均恢复时间上显著大于高心理素质组[(18.57±10.15)秒]。(4)在情绪的愉悦度、唤 醒度的上,低心理素质组(0.88±1.11)在中性条件下其唤醒度的变化明显大于中等(0.50±0.70)与高心理素质组(0.12±0.33);低心理 素质组(-2.11±0.90)在厌恶条件下愉悦度的变化明显大于中等(-1.56±0.86)与高心理素质组(-1.33±0.84)。结论:在中性条件下,低心 理素质军人更容易出现生理上的唤醒警觉状态。在厌恶情绪条件下,低心理素质军人是副交感神经伴有较强交感神经兴奋的自 主神经反应模式;高、中等心理素质军人副交感神经伴有较弱的交感神经兴奋。
      Objective: To investigate the characteristics of autonomatic nervous response of armymen with different mental quality levels during disgust emotion processes. Methods: Mental Quality Questionnaire of Armymen was used to select participants from 912 armymen, obstained 18 armymen with high mental quality, 18 armymen with moderate and 18 armymen with low.With elicitation of digust emotion and the neutral state by two video segments, the participants were recorded spectrum domain of heart rate variability (TP: total power, HF: high frequency, LF: low frequency and LF/HF: low-to high-frequency ratio), heart rate(HR) and the recovery time by an 8-channel bio-feedback instrument. Result: (1)Under neutral condition heart rate(HR) is greater in low mental quality group[(12.06±4.89) b/min] than in high [(5.75±2.80)b/min] group.(2)During disgust emotion processes the normalized low frequency spectral component (Lfnorm) and total power(TP) of heart rate variability(HRV)are greater in low mental quality group[(7.09±2.02)nU,(357.94±129.33)ms2] than in moderate [(3.43±1.70)nU,(171.14±73.02) ms2]and high [(2.66±1.50)nU,(167.84±86.38)ms2] group.(3)During disgust emotion processes the recovery time of HR and the average recovery time of skin conductance (SC), skin tepmerature (ST), blood volume pulse (BVP) and heart rate (HR) are greater in low mental quality [(49.98±10.96)sec,(37.84±21.33)sec]than in high [(24.65±9.38)sec,(18.57± 10.15)sec] group.(4)The armymen with low mental quality group (0.88±1.11) in the arousal under neutral condition are greater than high (0.12±0.33), moderate (0.50±0.70) group;and the armymen with low mental quality (-2.11±0.90) in the valence during disgust emotion processes are greater than high(-1.33±0.84), moderate(-1.5±0.86) group. Conclusion: The findings indicated that the armymen with low mental quality can be easier to awaken under neutral condition than high、moderate mental quality. During disgust emotion processes, the activities in parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) increased in the armymen with three mental quality levels;and while the armymen with low mental quality have greater activativites than high, moderate mental quality in sympathetic nervous system (SNS).
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