顾大勇1 张晓梅2 宋磊2 王德强2 李金田2 马国建2 陈森清2 周建农.错配修复系统hMSH2基因IVS12(-6)T>C多态及饮食习惯 与结直肠癌的易感性[J].,2011,11(2):274-277
错配修复系统hMSH2基因IVS12(-6)T>C多态及饮食习惯 与结直肠癌的易感性
Correlation of Colorectal Cancer with Mismatch Repair Gene hMSH2IVS12(-6)T>C Polymorphism and Dietary Habits
中文关键词: 结直肠癌  hMSH2基因  基因多态性  IVS12(-6)T>C  饮食习惯
英文关键词: Colorectal cancer  hMSH2 polymorphism  IVS12(-6)T>C  Dietary habits
顾大勇1 张晓梅2 宋磊2 王德强2 李金田2 马国建2 陈森清2 周建农 南京医科大学附属江苏省肿瘤医院暨江苏省肿瘤研究所 
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      目的:研究江苏省结直肠癌发病与hMSH2基因IVS12(-6)T>C多态及饮食习惯的相关性。方法:对江苏省金坛、泰兴和淮安 地区近2年来新发结直肠癌患者共计108例以及配对180例健康体检者的饮食等生活习惯因素进行调查,提取外周血DNA,应 用PCR-DHPLC 和DNA 序列分析的方法,采用病例对照研究结合现场收集的流行病学资料统计分hMSH2 基因IVS12(-6)T>C 与结直肠癌发病的关系。结果:hMSH2基因IVS12(-6)T>C在家族性结直肠癌患者中检出率较高,且与散发性结直肠癌病例之间 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),在喜食油炸和腌渍食物组,hMSH2 基因IVS12(-6)T>C C 突变与正常人群之间也存在明显的统计学 差异(P<0.05)。结论:hMSH2基因IVS12(-6)T>C突变,通过遗传性和后天获得性等多重因素影响,使得该突变的携带者有更高的 结直肠癌发病风险。
      Objective: To investigate the etiological role of polymorphism IVS12 (-6)T>C in hMSH2 gene and dietary habits in colorectal cancer. Methods: A case-control study with epidemiological data has been taken on subjects selected from Jiangsu Jintan, Taixing and Huai'an, totally including 108 colorectal cancer patients and 180 healthy individual controls, genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral white cell of all subjects, the polymorphism was detected by a PCR based DHPLC analysis and verified by DNA sequencing. Results: More mutations were detected from hereditary colorectal cancer patients than sporadic patients, and significant difference existed (P<0.05). Significant difference also existed between more fried and pickled food intake and healthy individual controls (P<0.05). Conclusion: The genetic polymorphism IVS12 (-6)T>C in hMSH2 gene may paly a role in the onset of colorectal cancer, through hereditary and acquired influential pathway, those carriers have higher risk of colorectal cancer.
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