Surface Gastrointeslinal Pacemaker Plus Domperidone forPostprandial Distress Syndrome
中文关键词: 体表胃肠起搏  餐后不适综合征  胃电图  胃排空
英文关键词: Surface gastrointeslinal pacemaker  PDS  Gastric electrogram  Astric emptying
潘佳刘丽 南华大学 
摘要点击次数: 617
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      目的:研究体表胃肠起搏联合多潘立酮治疗餐后不适综合征的疗效。方法:80例餐后不适综合征的患者,随机分为对照组及 观察组。对照组40例予以多潘立酮10 毫克,三餐前半小时口服;观察组予以多潘立酮10 毫克,三餐前半小时口服,同时予以体 表胃肠起搏,2次/日,每次45分钟,共2 周,采用8 导联胃肠电图仪记录患者空腹及进食后的胃电活动,及应用钡条行胃排空试 验。分别于治疗前后对其症状、胃肠电图、胃排空情况进行评估。结果:治疗2 周后,经胃肠起搏联合多潘立酮治疗的餐后不适综 合征患者症状明显改善,较对照组改善更为明显(P<0.05),胃肠起搏治疗后正常胃电节律百分比较对照组显著改善,实验组胃排 空率较对照组改善。结论:体表胃肠起搏联合多潘立酮可显著改善餐后不适综合征患者症状、胃电图参数、胃排空情况.
      Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effects of surface gastrointeslinal pacemaker union Domperidone on the patients with PDS (Postprandial Distress Syndrome). Methods: 80 patients with PDS, come from the First Hospital of Changsha between July 2008 and June 2010 were chosen in the study. All the subjects were random divided into control group and observe group. Patients of control group were given domperidone 10 mg Po before meals; While patients of observe group were given domperidone 10 mg Po union surface gastrointeslinal pacemaker 45 minute twice very day for 2 weeks. The gastric electrogram in emptiness, sur-foodintake were detected by 8 channel electrointestinogram and astric emptying was detected by.barium. Results: After 2 weeks treat, symptom, gastric electrogram thythm, astric emptying of the patients with PDS who were treated by urface gastrointeslinal pacemaker union Domperidone improved better than that of the patients from the control group(P<0.05). Conclusions: Urface gastrointeslinal pacemaker union Domperidone obvious improve the symptom, gastric electrogram thythm, astric emptying of the patients with PDS.
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