李洋1 彭丽华2 陈雅儒1 马春鹏1 刘德全1.灾后消防救援人员创伤后应激障碍分析[J].,2011,11(4):775-779
Analysis of Firemen Post-traumatic Stress Disorder after Earthquake
中文关键词: 地震  消防员  创伤后应激障碍
英文关键词: Earthquake  Firemen  Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
基金项目:公安部基金课题" 中国消防员心理健康标准与评估研究"(2008LLYJWJXY076)和 武警学院青年教师课题" 公安消防官兵创伤后心理健康与危机干预研究"
李洋1 彭丽华2 陈雅儒1 马春鹏1 刘德全1 中国人民武装警察部队学院 
摘要点击次数: 856
全文下载次数: 1565
      目的:对地震后消防救援人员创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的发生率及心理健康状况进行分析。方法:选用创伤后应激评定量表 (PCL-C)和中文版事件影响量表(IES-R),对灾后三个月内消防员310 人进行评估。结果:灾后三个月内PTSD 症状的总发生率为 35.3 %;地震救援组和基层消防组IES-R 得分显著高于一般院校组,但地震救援组和基层消防组得分无显著差异,PCL-C 得分结 果与之类似;恐惧、创伤经历和救援失败等是PTSD症状的影响因素。结论:消防员是职业心理创伤的高危人群,地震后消防救援 人员PTSD症状发生率较高,应给予及时心理干预。
      Objective: To analyse post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental health of firemen after earthquake. Methods: A study was performed among 320 firemen in three months after rescue action. All were tested with Post-traumatic Stress Rating Scale (PCL-C) and the Chinese version of Impact of Event Scale (IES-R). Results: The post-disaster PTSD symptoms within three months the overall incidence of 35.3%; 5.12 Fire and rescue groups and grass-roots group of IES-R scores were significantly higher than the general institutions group, but 5.12 Fire and rescue groups and grass-roots group of no significant difference in scores, PCL -C scores with similar results; fear, trauma and rescue failed and others are experiencing PTSD symptoms factor. Conclusion: The fireman is the psychological trauma of the high-risk occupational groups, fire and rescue workers after the earthquake a higher rate of PTSD symptoms, should be given a timely psychological intervention.
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