唐俊伟1,2 章素芬1,2 金宇飚1 戴雪明1 王海权1 刘俊1.成人腹膜后节细胞神经纤维瘤1 例暨文献复习[J].,2011,11(6):1132-1134
成人腹膜后节细胞神经纤维瘤1 例暨文献复习
Case Report:One case of adult's retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma
中文关键词: 腹膜后肿瘤  节细胞神经纤维瘤  病例报告
英文关键词: Retroperitoneal tumor  Ganglioneuroma  Case report
唐俊伟1,2 章素芬1,2 金宇飚1 戴雪明1 王海权1 刘俊1 上海市第一人民医院普外科 
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      原发性腹膜后节细胞神经纤维瘤在临床上是属于极少见的病例,通常患者就诊时无明显临床症状。本文报道1 例43 岁成 年男性的腹膜后节细胞神经纤维瘤并进行相关文献的复习。已有研究证实影像学检查可对原发性腹膜后肿瘤的良恶性鉴别提供 重要依据,节细胞神经纤维瘤的影像学检查亦具有其特征性表现,但最终本病的确诊仍依赖病理及免疫组化技术。影像学检查是 确定原发性腹膜后肿瘤的治疗计划的必要措施。目前手术已成为治疗腹膜后节细胞神经纤维瘤的首选治疗。辅以血管外科技术, 肿瘤的根治性切除已在临床上广泛开展。通过手术治疗后尽管有二次复发可能,但腹膜后节细胞神经瘤预后仍较好。
      The primary retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma (PRG) is a very infrequent disease. The case of a 43-year-old male who presented with a 9.2cm primary retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma is presented,and the relevant literature is reviewed. Research has comfirmed that imaging examination plays an important role in differentiating whether the primary retroperitoneal tumor is malignant or not, while the PRG has the characteristics of imaging examination itself.Pathology and the immunohistochemisty test is the Golden standard of the disease. The selection of the treatment plan depends on the results of the pathology and immunohistochemisty test. Recently, operation has become the primary treatment of PRG.Assisting by the technique of cardiovascular surgery, radical excision has been widely carried out.In spite of the recurrence ,the PRG shows a good prognosis in general.
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