Isolation and cultivation of mesenchymal cells from the different partsof laryngeal mucosa
中文关键词: 喉黏膜  间充质细胞  组织工程
英文关键词: Laryngeal mucosa  Mesenchymal cells  Tissue engineering
刘阳韩鹏梁媛媛邓志宏 第四军医大学西京医院全军耳鼻咽喉头颈外科中心 
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      目的:探讨不同部位喉黏膜间充质细胞的分离、培养方法,为喉部组织工程提供更多的可供选择的种子细胞。方法:收集临 床上喉部手术病人切下的不同部位的喉黏膜,主要是会厌的背侧黏膜和声带的黏膜,各3 例,共计6 例。对会厌背侧的黏膜采用 消化培养的方法,对声带部位的黏膜采用组织块培养法。最后通过免疫荧光染色对两种方法所获得的细胞进行鉴定,确定其来源 于喉黏膜的间充质。结果:通过两种方法均可以成功获得相应部位的细胞,免疫荧光染色vimentin 均呈阳性表达且CK 均呈阴性 表达,证明了获得的细胞确实是来源于间充质。结论:本实验成功的培养出了喉部不同部位的间充质细胞,为喉部的组织工程提 供了更多的可供选择的种子细胞。
      Objective: To study isolation and cultivation of mesenchymal cells from the different parts of laryngeal mucosa for laryngeal tissue engineering. Methods: We collected different parts of the laryngeal mucosa from clinically patients underwent laryngeal surgery, including epiglottis dorsal mucosa and vocal fold mucosa, each 3 cases, total 6 patients. Digestion method was used for epiglottis dorsal mucosa and tissue culture method was used for vocal fold mucosa. Two kinds of cells from the different parts of laryngeal mucosa were identified by immunofluorescence staining. Results: Two kinds of cells from the different parts of laryngeal mucosa could both be obtained. Immunofluorescence staining also proved that two kinds of cells derived from mesenchyme, which vimentin was positive and CK was negative. Conclusions: In this experiment, we have successfully cultured mesenchymal cells from different parts of the laryngeal mucosa, which will offer more alternative laryngeal seed cells for laryngeal tissue engineering.
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