佟晓晶△ 李联昆孟莉吴琼.553 例女性宫颈高危型HPV 感染与宫颈病变的相关性研究[J].,2011,11(8):1522-1525
553 例女性宫颈高危型HPV 感染与宫颈病变的相关性研究
Correlation of Cervical Lesions and Cervical High-risk HPV Infectionin 553 Women
中文关键词: 子宫颈癌  人类乳头状病毒(HPV)  病理活检
英文关键词: Cervical cancer  Human papilloma virus (HPV)  Biopsy
佟晓晶△ 李联昆孟莉吴琼 辽宁省肿瘤医院妇二科 
摘要点击次数: 794
全文下载次数: 1434
      目的:研究女性生殖道高危型人乳头瘤病毒(high risk human papilloma virus, hrHPV) 感染现状及子宫颈上皮内瘤样病变 (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CI N)的现患率,并分析该人群年龄与HPV 感染及宫颈癌前病变的相关性以及hrHPV 病毒载量 与宫颈病变之间剂量- 效应关系。方法:对553 例30 岁-78 岁有性生活史的女性进行以人群为基础的横断面调查。对所有接受筛 查的妇女均行宫颈HPV 检测及电子阴道镜下病理活检,并以病理结果作为诊断子宫颈病变的金标准。资料采用EXCEL 整理,利 用x2 检验和非条件Logistic 回归分析危险因素和CI N 的关系。结果:553 例受检对象总体阳性检出率为18.0%。hrHPV 感染情况 在不同年龄段分布有显著差异,hrHPV 病毒载量越高宫颈病变的程度越重。结论:不同年龄段hrHPV 感染情况不同,hrHPV 病毒 载量与宫颈病变之间存在剂量- 效应关系。
      Objective: To study the prevalence rate of female genital tract high risk human papill oma virus (hrHPV) infection and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN), to analysis the HPV infection condition in different age group, to analysis the relationship between cervical lesions and viral load of hrHPV. Methods: A total of 553 women aged 30-78 years old received population-based cross-sectional survey. All women received HPV detection and cervical biopsy under colposcopy, and pathology results as the gold standard for diagnosis of cervical lesions. Sorting data using EXCEL, usingx2 test and unconditional Logistic regression analysis of risk factors and the relationship between CIN. Results: The overall positive hrHPV detection rate of 553 women is 18.0%, hrHPV infection in different age distributions were significantly different, the higher the hrHPV viral load, the worser the cervical lesions. Conclusion: hrHPV infection in different age groups with different distribution, there is closely correlation between hrHPV viral load and cervical lesions.
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