时丽芳1 郑淑芳2△ 赵永刚3 王剑威1 展晓红1.SNCG 在胃癌中的表达及意义[J].,2011,11(8):1532-1535
SNCG 在胃癌中的表达及意义
Expressions of SNCG in Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Its ClinicalSignificances
中文关键词: 胃癌  SNCG  免疫组织化学  RT-PCR
英文关键词: SNCG  gastric carcinoma  Immunohistochemistry  RT-PCR
时丽芳1 郑淑芳2△ 赵永刚3 王剑威1 展晓红1 青岛大学医学院 
摘要点击次数: 783
全文下载次数: 1194
      目的:探讨SNCG 在胃癌及正常胃粘膜组织中的蛋白和mRNA 表达及其与临床病理特征的关系。方法:采用免疫组织化学 SP 法检测90 例胃癌及40 例正常胃粘膜组织中SNCG 蛋白表达情况,同时应用RT-PCR 检测29 例胃癌及15 例正常胃粘膜组 织中SNCG mRNA 的表达情况。结果:SNCG 蛋白在胃癌组中的表达高于正常胃粘膜组(Uc=7.149,P <0.05),胃癌组中SNCG 蛋 白阳性表达与癌组织的浸润深度以及有无淋巴结转移有关(Uc= 2.742,Uc,3.970,P 均<0.05),而与患者的性别、年龄、及癌组织的 分化程度无关。SNCG mRNA 在胃癌组织中的表达量明显高于正常胃粘膜组织(t=4.399,P <0.01)。结论:SNCG 在胃癌组织中的 高表达与胃癌发生发展及浸润转移密切相关,可能会成为胃癌早期发现、早期诊断以及判断转移、预后的重要参考指标。
      Objective: The purpose of the study was to detect the expressions of SNCG in gastric adenocarcinoma, to evaluate their roles in carcinogenesis, development, infiltration and metastasis as well as their clinical significances. Methods:The expressions of SNCG was detected by SP immunohistochemical method in 90 cases of gastric adenocarcinoma and 40 cases of normal gastric mucosa; The expressions of SNCGmRNA was detected by RT-PCR method in 29 cases of gastric adenocarcinoma 15 cases of normal gastric mucosa. Results:The expression of SNCG protein and SNCG mRNA in the gastric adenocarcinoma were both remarkably higher than those in the normal gastric mucosa (P<0.05); The positive expressions of SNCG protein was correlated with the depth of tumor infiltration and the metastasis of lymph node (P<0.05). Conlusion:SNCG may play an important role in carcinogenesis progression and metastasis of gastric adenocarcinoma and serve as target spots in the targeted therapy of gastric adenocarcinoma.
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