张曙光1 庞华1 陈武1 熊先2.单鼻孔- 蝶窦入路垂体瘤切除术的体会[J].,2011,11(8):1542-1543
单鼻孔- 蝶窦入路垂体瘤切除术的体会
Experience of Hypophysoma Resection Through Single Nostril-SphenoidSinus Approach
中文关键词: 单鼻孔- 蝶窦入路  垂体瘤  外科手术
英文关键词: Single nostril-sphenoid sinus approach  Hypophysoma  Surgery
张曙光1 庞华1 陈武1 熊先2 中国核工业北京四零一医院 
摘要点击次数: 996
全文下载次数: 1247
      目的:探讨经单鼻孔- 蝶窦入路垂体瘤切除手术的效果。方法:应用单鼻孔- 蝶窦入路切除22 例垂体瘤患者。结果:22 例 患者手术均顺利进行并于术后3 月均获随访,全切除14 例,次全切除5 例,部分切除3 例。结论:经单鼻孔- 蝶窦入路显微切除 垂体瘤属于微侵袭及功能保护性手术, 符合现代神经外科的发展方向,严格把握适应症及禁忌症,完善手术技巧是提高手术效果 的关键。
      Objective: To evaluate hypophysoma resection though single nostril-sphenoid sinus approach. Methods: Treat 22 cases of hypophysoma using single nostril-sphenoid sinus approach resection. Results: 22 cases of hypophysoma were operated successfully including 14 cases of total resection , 5 cases of subtotal resection and 3 cases of partially resection. All patients were followed up after operation in 3 months. Conclusion: Hypophysoma resection though single nostril-sphenoid sinus approach is a kind of minimally invasive and functional protected surgery, which comes up with the direction of modern neurosurgery development. The key to improve the surgical results is to control indications and contraindications strictly and improve surgical techniques.
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